How long does it take to get approved for disability?


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Nov 26, 2012
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I'm HoH in the process of getting SSDI. I got denied food stamps because I told them I wasn't looking for employment. I don't know how that works when still living with paents.
Last I checked, exactly six months after the day they receive your application and statement from a physician declaring your deafness.
HOH can be tricky due to being able to hear some. Good luck with your SS benefit.
I'm HoH in the process of getting SSDI. I got denied food stamps because I told them I wasn't looking for employment. I don't know how that works when still living with paents.

Out of curiosity, why are you not looking for work?
I'm HoH in the process of getting SSDI. I got denied food stamps because I told them I wasn't looking for employment. I don't know how that works when still living with paents.

Did you work? How many years?

If you never had a job so you can't apply for SSDI, however you can apply for SSI.

For SSDI, it will take 3-6 months, depending on application and recommended you to find disability lawyer to support your case.
Many, many people, hearing too...get food stamps...all they do is file "Homeless" and give an address to where the card can be your case, ur parents address....and since ur not working?....can't find a job? or just not looking to work and want a hand out?....

I've never received food stamps and I was a single parent of 3 boys...and also, there are food banks you can get food and clothing from, lots of Churches too, for free.....I'm not knocking anyone receiving food stamps...some people really do need them. But if you are able to work and can find a job, then that's the best way to go.
Last I checked, exactly six months after the day they receive your application and statement from a physician declaring your deafness.

ok. I got that appt. coming soon

HOH can be tricky due to being able to hear some. Good luck with your SS benefit.

Thanks. I'm staying optimisitc

Out of curiosity, why are you not looking for work?

I don't feel confident enough to find a job in the similar pay and health benefits that I had at the job I quit from.

Did you work? How many years?

If you never had a job so you can't apply for SSDI, however you can apply for SSI.

For SSDI, it will take 3-6 months, depending on application and recommended you to find disability lawyer to support your case.

Yes, over 10yrs. how do I find a good disability lawyer in my area?

Many, many people, hearing too...get food stamps...all they do is file "Homeless" and give an address to where the card can be your case, ur parents address....and since ur not working?....can't find a job? or just not looking to work and want a hand out?....

I've never received food stamps and I was a single parent of 3 boys...and also, there are food banks you can get food and clothing from, lots of Churches too, for free.....I'm not knocking anyone receiving food stamps...some people really do need them. But if you are able to work and can find a job, then that's the best way to go.

Oh, so that's how homeless people get food stamps. The only job I had really had experience in was retail and hated it in the last few years I worked there and don't think I'm capable of doing anything else unless its something in retail and it was frustrating because I really fit in with other co-workers and had difficulty with what others were saying
I don't feel confident enough to find a job in the similar pay and health benefits that I had at the job I quit from.

You realize of course, that this is not the purpose of disability. When able bodied people take money from disability, they are taking money provided by taxpayers for people who are truly unable to work. Not to be rude, but this kind of thing gives deaf people a bad name.

If you were being treated poorly at your past job, quitting was a huge mistake. The ADA provides legal recourse for such situations.
You need to go to vocational rehab. You are capable to work, but just need to find another line of work.
May be repetitious

Food stamps mean you don't have the income to support yourself (SSI).

SSDI is disability insurance and as people have said, you must be declared legally disabled and have been working for a specific number of quarters - this info is available somewhere on the internet - do a search. SSD may not only take into account the results of your audiogram but other areas of your existence may be viewed before determining if you are legally disabled (such as have you worked long enough to collect disability among other things and those, I'm not going to get into).

The process for getting approved for SSD ranges from a few months to a couple of years. If it takes a couple of years, you may get paid retroactively.

I think you asked for the recommendation of a lawyer. Since you're on the internet, you can just do a search for ssdi lawyer (enter your town or city). They all go by the same payment standards (it's nationalized).
Can you request to change the position job that is less using voice or listen? If you know sign language then request for an interpreter or cart ??
I'm HoH in the process of getting SSDI. I got denied food stamps because I told them I wasn't looking for employment. I don't know how that works when still living with paents.

it is pretty SSI? you quit on job,it not easy, it is hard for people!

It is pretty SSI manually for me :) I do quit on job. then approval for me SSI already.
You realize of course, that this is not the purpose of disability. When able bodied people take money from disability, they are taking money provided by taxpayers for people who are truly unable to work. Not to be rude, but this kind of thing gives deaf people a bad name.

If you were being treated poorly at your past job, quitting was a huge mistake. The ADA provides legal recourse for such situations.
I don't know if I was treated poorly, legally, I just felt alienated by the workplace and didn't agree with manager about work performance and the fact she wouldn't work with me about my work schedule, wanting weekends off. I don't have any written documents the way I was treated

Can you request to change the position job that is less using voice or listen? If you know sign language then request for an interpreter or cart ??

Its too late to do that now. I know very little sign language.

Took me 2 years and a good lawyer to win my disability.
That's a long time!
I don't know if I was treated poorly, legally, I just felt alienated by the workplace and didn't agree with manager about work performance and the fact she wouldn't work with me about my work schedule, wanting weekends off. I don't have any written documents the way I was treated

Ah, then please seek a Voc Rehab counselor and leave the disability money for those who are unable to work. VR can help you.
I don't know if I was treated poorly, legally, I just felt alienated by the workplace and didn't agree with manager about work performance and the fact she wouldn't work with me about my work schedule, wanting weekends off. I don't have any written documents the way I was treated

Its too late to do that now. I know very little sign language.

That's a long time!

Hmm, be an optimist- "it's never too late" :)
You realize of course, that this is not the purpose of disability. When able bodied people take money from disability, they are taking money provided by taxpayers for people who are truly unable to work. Not to be rude, but this kind of thing gives deaf people a bad name.

If you were being treated poorly at your past job, quitting was a huge mistake. The ADA provides legal recourse for such situations.

From my experience over the years there are lots of deaf who use the ssd system. Lots of them will be living with their common law and have kids and at least one of the couple will be on ssd.
I had often wondered how the deaf managed it. They would have nice cars , travel and party. Me, I was stuck working long hours to pay my way.
It takes like I want to say 7 months and that's depending on when you submitted it and if they come around to getting to it because it takes forever with all the submissions they have. You should be able to get food stamps regardless of searching for employment or not, but I guess every county and state has their system set up differently. I know some of the rules for food stamps changed last year here. I know here they won't approve you for them, if it shows you're a full time student. Even if you did get all the right documents for SSI, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't get approved. (sorry just my honest opinion) But, if SSI can see your past job history and that you're still capable of working and nothing results to serious illness or death then you most likely won't get approved. It's really hard to get approved for it especially being in the Hard of Hearing category.I would look up the information first about their regulations and rules and if you still want to do it, you're going to need to get an updated version of your audiogram. My friend only gets $50 from them, so even if you did get approved there's no guarantee it'll be what you're expecting. Anyway good luck on everything. Keep your head up things will get better.Here's a link for Department of Rehabiltation. You can try searching there for starters to get help. Resources - California Department of Rehabilitation You can also google food shelters in your area. There's nothing wrong with getting food from shelters if you need it. Certain churches give out boxes of food on certain days of the month. It's not much, but at least it's something. Good luck...
From my experience over the years there are lots of deaf who use the ssd system. Lots of them will be living with their common law and have kids and at least one of the couple will be on ssd.
I had often wondered how the deaf managed it. They would have nice cars , travel and party. Me, I was stuck working long hours to pay my way.

That is a big system flaw. We have made it too easy for people to rely on the system.
You realize of course, that this is not the purpose of disability. When able bodied people take money from disability, they are taking money provided by taxpayers for people who are truly unable to work. Not to be rude, but this kind of thing gives deaf people a bad name.

If you were being treated poorly at your past job, quitting was a huge mistake. The ADA provides legal recourse for such situations.

:wave: TOTALLY disagree on this whole comment geared towards the OP.

I do not know the OP or their background whatnot.
I've been on both side of the fence when it comes to hiring and working. I've worked under the table when I was 15 and legally when i was 18 and been working and going to school at the same time, hired right out of college and been in the same deadend job since college.... being deaf IS a MAJOR issue in many careers and work. AND newsflash: ADA does diddly squat in many issues I've been there.

I'm deaf, I've been discriminated against in the name of audism, I've been discriminated because I'm deaf basically and have to put up with all dumb BS hearing people get away with every day in and out. And people wonder why people snap and go postal. Its "get some thick skin" attitude towards other people, if I can you can... Guess what no one is cut from the same mold. No one experience the stupidest BS I go through because of my job and position and I dont judge others. I share my stories with my deaf friends, its all the same idea its just too messed up out there being deaf some days for others it s everyday for us lucky deaf people who get hired to start with!. I have been working a full-time job since college days, I've been paying out of my arse in taxes everywhere I go. I'm a contributing member of the society but does the society pay me back in return. Most days I'll say no, I want my refund. The dang potholes my tax dollars went to just worn down the tires on my car, the dang schools getting my tax dollars so teachers can have their pensions and free day care for other peoples offspring whilst I have no children. I should be the ONE getting the tax break not those people with critters they call their kids that bully other peoples kids and terrorize old people. (just a example people calm down its getting to the point)

and the funny thing is about SSDI/SSI- While all of the taxes I pay- I just coughed up 8.5k to uncle sam this year and only getting what? 1k?

AFTER all of the taxes I've paid working over 80 hours a week (yes its legal not to do overtime in my field) ... if I was on SSDI I would have gotten the same amount. (I called and asked)

ALL of the insanity I put up with work, the hassle of giving up my social life/relationships/time with family.....

No one walks a mile in another's shoes. SO don't one dare to tell other person they give a bad name to the "deaf" because they worked enough credits to earn SSDI and decide that enough is enough. Run/walk/wheel your own race and don't put down one because they're "giving bad name to the deaf population" with SSDI.

My feet, my hands, my back, my blood, bruises on my skin/heart, my unshed/shed tears went through many mileage of working, hard work more than what some people have done in their entire lifetime that is fully capable but choose not to. I've logged in hours in the last 5 years that most 8-5'ers have done in 20 years.... Same with many people out there there always will be the workers and the loafers in each society out there. I will go crazy if I'm not working and staying home doing nothing. There are many deaf that volunteer their time to a cause and get SSI or SSDI and they're not giving deaf people bad name there is no shame in earning ones due.

I have been seriously considering SSDI as I've one of those who just have had enough. I rather be volunteering and using my time and resources to a cause that matters the most to me instead of focusing on the stupidest BS that my work gives me the same amount the SSDI will give me in the end. Why should my mental health suffer with all of the stupidity hearing people do day in and day out. Yes I'm one of those who is not shocked about people going postal. We all know the government is all messed up in many areas. There area always those who use SSI for drug money that I absoutely frown against that. There always will be those type of people taking advantage of a system. It comes with every apple barrel there will be few bad apples.... same with SSI people.

Yes one can say I just had a bad week at work! Geez at hearing people sometimes.
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