How long do moulds last?

Don't know what your problem is, but my earmolds are clear white. I wipe them off daily with HA cleaner, and put them to bed in a dryer. I am not sure what they are made of , they are a hard materal but they have not shrunk. I got my Naida's last year and my audi said they were fine and I didn't need new earmolds. I have been wearing BTE's for about 15 years and this is just the second set of earmolds. Maybe my audi knows something you don't?

The material contributes a lot to how often your molds may need to be changed. Hard molds, which are more commonly used in milder degrees of loss, are less subject to aging. They tend to last longer. If your molds are made of one of the soft materials they may need to be replaced every year or two due to shrinkage, becoming brittle, etc. Regardless of the type of earmolds, as many have said, tubing may need to be replaced as often as every 6 months.
The material contributes a lot to how often your molds may need to be changed. Hard molds, which are more commonly used in milder degrees of loss, are less subject to aging. They tend to last longer. If your molds are made of one of the soft materials they may need to be replaced every year or two due to shrinkage, becoming brittle, etc. Regardless of the type of earmolds, as many have said, tubing may need to be replaced as often as every 6 months.

Good post, one of the more sensible ones.
Don't know what your problem is, but my earmolds are clear white. I wipe them off daily with HA cleaner, and put them to bed in a dryer. I am not sure what they are made of , they are a hard materal but they have not shrunk. I got my Naida's last year and my audi said they were fine and I didn't need new earmolds. I have been wearing BTE's for about 15 years and this is just the second set of earmolds. Maybe my audi knows something you don't?

does your audi wear earmolds? :)
if it shrinking, your hearing aids will give more feedbacks

I was always amazed how my ear tend to eat away my earmolds. it got to the point that it became flat as a pancake.
btw, you will need new earmold rather you need it or not. our ears tend to grow as we age.
Mine get changed every 1-2 years, like others have said. The tubes will also go yellow/brittle, but my tubes tend to split before I need new earmolds. My aud just told me I can get new ones whenever I want, but I'm probably gonna wait a little while. Anyway, don't want to hijack this thread, but what do you guys use to clean your molds?? I was never really given anything/advice on how to clean the molds. Usually I just wipe the "stuff" off whenever it's necessary. I mean, really gross, but.. Do you have a special cloth or something? Cotton balls? I just wonder, because if it leads to less ear mold making.. awesome!
I'v used the same earmolds for the last 4 years, and don't plan on changing them anytime soon.

harder. yuckier. discoloration.

I was just thinking the same thing :laugh2:

and also your activity and climate. If your kid is athletic, you may need to replace it few months. Sweat + water + sun exposure + etc. cause the tube to deteriorate rapidly. Same for ear mold.

Don't know what your problem is, but my earmolds are clear white. I wipe them off daily with HA cleaner, and put them to bed in a dryer. I am not sure what they are made of , they are a hard materal but they have not shrunk. I got my Naida's last year and my audi said they were fine and I didn't need new earmolds. I have been wearing BTE's for about 15 years and this is just the second set of earmolds. Maybe my audi knows something you don't?

The material contributes a lot to how often your molds may need to be changed. Hard molds, which are more commonly used in milder degrees of loss, are less subject to aging. They tend to last longer. If your molds are made of one of the soft materials they may need to be replaced every year or two due to shrinkage, becoming brittle, etc. Regardless of the type of earmolds, as many have said, tubing may need to be replaced as often as every 6 months.

Good post, one of the more sensible ones.


Truly pleased by the curmudgeon's approbation?
Mine need replacing every year or sooner. They are a soft, silicone like stuff. It gives me the opportunity to get new colors too. My tubes get replaced every 3 to 6 months. My audi says to use the cloth used to wipe eyeglasses because it is very soft and lint free. She instructs me to first wipe the molds with a tissue, them swab them with a cotton ball dipped in plain white vinegar and to squeeze the cotton almost dry. Then they are dried with the lint free lense cloth and put into the dryer. The extra care is due to sensitive ears with lots of irritation. Do not do this without consulting your own audi. I do not know what vinegar would do to other molds. My past molds she had me wipe with alcohol but now she says that is too drying for the soft stuff. She says that the vinegar kills some mold and fungus as well. I also clean the tubes carefully when needed or every few days.
When I used to wear hearing aids, I change ear molds every year or so.
Mine get changed every 1-2 years, like others have said. The tubes will also go yellow/brittle, but my tubes tend to split before I need new earmolds. My aud just told me I can get new ones whenever I want, but I'm probably gonna wait a little while. Anyway, don't want to hijack this thread, but what do you guys use to clean your molds?? I was never really given anything/advice on how to clean the molds. Usually I just wipe the "stuff" off whenever it's necessary. I mean, really gross, but.. Do you have a special cloth or something? Cotton balls? I just wonder, because if it leads to less ear mold making.. awesome!

you can use hydrogen peroxide + tissue. Lot of audis use this - Tech-Care Earmold Cleaner 4oz

I have dozens of tubes at home. I can just change it myself whenever tubes get brittle.
Alcohol swabs

I use those little packaged alcohol swabs. The silicone earmolds don't like it as well though. I will try the vinegar when I get back to town. The alcohol swabs are fast and the alcohol dries off quick so I do not mind using them often.
I use those little packaged alcohol swabs. The silicone earmolds don't like it as well though. I will try the vinegar when I get back to town. The alcohol swabs are fast and the alcohol dries off quick so I do not mind using them often.

I'm not sure but I think if using alcohol swabs regularly, it will cause your ear mold to be brittle :dunno:
Hasn't happened with mine but

I have a high catastrophe rate with my HAs, they do not get to last more than a couple of years so that is a factor. So none have lived long enough to get brittle. I guess I better hold that suggestion- it does work good for me though.
I've worn hearing aids for 42 years. (Now I wear a hearing aid in the left ear and have a CI in my right) Never had to replace the molds until I got new hearing aids which was between every 5-7 years. Until my last one which cracked after 5 years so I had to have that one placed which should last util my hearing aid dies.

Mine need replacing every year or sooner. They are a soft, silicone like stuff. It gives me the opportunity to get new colors too. My tubes get replaced every 3 to 6 months. My audi says to use the cloth used to wipe eyeglasses because it is very soft and lint free. She instructs me to first wipe the molds with a tissue, them swab them with a cotton ball dipped in plain white vinegar and to squeeze the cotton almost dry. Then they are dried with the lint free lense cloth and put into the dryer. The extra care is due to sensitive ears with lots of irritation. Do not do this without consulting your own audi. I do not know what vinegar would do to other molds. My past molds she had me wipe with alcohol but now she says that is too drying for the soft stuff. She says that the vinegar kills some mold and fungus as well. I also clean the tubes carefully when needed or every few days.

Dry and store should kill mold and fungus if it is the specific brand. Plus I use peroxide on my molds and I don't think it does damage.
I use the Dry and Store as well. My audi gives me very specific instructions. It seems to work for me. My ears give me LOTS of trouble as evidenced by the past huge cholesteatoma. She also told me to be sure to flip my aids in the Dry and Store. ( that was a great ebay find ) I have had fewer and less severe problems since the cleaning regimine she shared with me. I can also wipe my ears with vinegar and it wasnt as drying as the alcohol.
Heh, I did once try a denture tablet when my tubes were too gross and there was an extra long wait to see the audi. Kids, dont try this at home. I had minty smelling ears all day. Oh, and veerry clean tubes. :rofl: