How is your weather today??

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Now 47, and still warming up.
nice, it not hot or warm, its not cold either, actually lukewarm, but in a pleasant way, some sun, its softly warm
Icky, wet, rainy and did I say - - icky!
We actually have a CHANCE of rain later this week, I doubt it will happen though. Upper 60's low 70's all week.
It's suppose to be snow and/or freezing rain late tonight and early tomorrow
LOL Yes, a small tabby that wandered into our rental yesterday. He belongs to a neighbor. :P

OMGERD He's adorable! My love for kittehs knows no bounds.... :shock: So he wondered inside and you had someone snap a picture? :laugh2: :P I would too, it's okay. :P At least he got free love. :D
OMGERD He's adorable! My love for kittehs knows no bounds.... :shock: So he wondered inside and you had someone snap a picture? :laugh2: :P I would too, it's okay. :P At least he got free love. :D

Who wouldn't pick up and hold that little bundle ofcuteness! I was heartbroken when the owner came for him, but it's welcome to hang out with us aanytime! :)
I would, but I would have accepted part time custody and visitation rights. :D
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