How is your weather today??

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7 degrees right now. It will be -8 later tonight. :cold:

I want to be there to do cross country skiing. It sucks to be in warm weather right now. :lol:
I want to be there to do cross country skiing. It sucks to be in warm weather right now. :lol:

Could you believe that I have never skied before in my life?? I plan to do that next winter.
It's 14 here. Should be warmer today than it was yesterday. Swore my manhood wanted to stay home.
LOL Looking like early April, won't know until after meeting -which was delayed? I hate unprepared clients! :roll:

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so sad! Florida misses you... I bet your sister is living it up at home all alone! :laugh2:
I would like stay in garden for the day but got drag myself to cinerma to see 'the railway man'i promised my husband i go with him...this film not a lot of fun...apparently you deppresed as hell afterwards
I would like stay in garden for the day but got drag myself to cinerma to see 'the railway man'i promised my husband i go with him...this film not a lot of fun...apparently you deppresed as hell afterwards

Try making a compromise. If you don't wanna go, then work something out.
In the single digits out and all the snow we got is frozen over from refreezing.
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