How is your weather today??

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Nice, 76 and just partly cloud.
Warmed up quite a bit. Going to be awhile before I pack the summer clothes up.
Gloomy and rainy again. Don't mind too much, gets lots of moisture in the ground and grass before frost. We're not far from that happening.
Rainy ! We'll really need it but it came down too hard to soak in the ground and just ran off the ground in some places. :(
Today was mild, but those downtown winds were BRUTAL. It was dang cold, cold enough to begin teeth chattering on Madison. Next time I head to that particular area, I'm adding an extra layer.
Just found out there's strong thunderstorm headed this way this afternoon. I need to get a move on with things I need to do today.
63 with possible rain showers. Tomorrow 50 for the high and 36 the low.
All over the place! It was about 50 degrees give or take when I took the dogs out this morning. We could see a high today around 80! Welcome to Ohio, one or the few states where you can run both your heater and AC unit, all in the same day! (Especially mid to early fall, and mid to late spring)
I deal with it by dressing for the lows, because the highs don't bother me to much.
Right now 45 with a real feel of 39.

Glad I am baking and running the dryer. No need to turn on heat yet!
It's 40 this morning. Went for a walk a block to get some cappuccino. It was nice.
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