How is your weather today part II

You're in Georgia and Angel's in CA...I can see you guys being chilled at 60<grin>
I on the hand, am quite please at the prospect and am sure we will have many people out riding bikes in shorts and t-shirts and at the beach...
You're in Georgia and Angel's in CA...I can see you guys being chilled at 60<grin>
I on the hand, am quite please at the prospect and am sure we will have many people out riding bikes in shorts and t-shirts and at the beach...

Yep :) went Christmas shopping in a tank and shorts... Georgia winter is weird one moment you freeze and the next your baking... Most of the time you do both in a single day... Jokes about if you have you heater on in the morning, ac on in the afternoon, and Windows down in the evening, then you are in Georgia :)

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I am wondering if the meaning that LoveBlue thought of that I didn't in the "More Snow" thread is right? You have used the term "snow levels are dropping or snow levels have dropped" several times in different threads. I hope it doesn't seem tooooo strange that I would not think of that meaning for I live in Southern Illinois which doesn't change elevation like your area does.

I live at the base of the Sierra Mountains. If I drive 45 minutes to an hour up the mountain, I can be in snow which is falling at around 3500 feet in elevation right now. Colder the storm, lower in elevation the snow will fall. The top or the Summit is approx. 8,000 feet in elevation. So when I say snow levels are dropping it just means snow is falling at a lower elevation.

Hope that helps.
The temps are supposed to be u to the 80's this week and for Xmas here where I it will be back to the AC again!...
My weather is :crazy: ! It could be 69 degree and humid on Christmas , you could go to the beach and swim. The bears haven't gone to hibernation yet.
Snowing lightly today. There might be a white Christmas after all. Up until this morning it was either green or brown. :) It's not the first time it's snowed here in the past few weeks, but none of it had stuck.
It's raining. And I really need to go out for Christmas preparation, which means my wheelchair that stays in the car is goung to get soaked... Blah
It is raining and sometimes storming... Been up 32 hours and no sleep in near future... Evil weather lol for it is perfect to open up the house and take a nap weather

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Raining...heavy rain this morning. Supposed to have thrunderstorms later. In the 60's - in Decmember!
Hottest December on record saw rainbow rained I drop with heat
Yo eyes reason you got bad fog there was bad Sahara sand storm this week it effected the world and masked have been advised.i guess forgot tell yanki
Yeah I been seeing a lot of fog here too this winter . Did you have to drive in the fog ?

No, I didn't drive in the fog, sent the hubby out to pick up a prescription at the drugstore for me. I don't drive in any bad weather any more.

Snow/mix predicted for next Tuesday, that's why they say, "wait a minute if you don't like the weather." Something for everybody.
No, I didn't drive in the fog, sent the hubby out to pick up a prescription at the drugstore for me. I don't drive in any bad weather any more.

Snow/mix predicted for next Tuesday, that's why they say, "wait a minute if you don't like the weather." Something for everybody.

I wish I could send my dog out to drive in bad weather . :giggle:
Same here snow/mix for Tuesday , Yeah I say that too "wait a minute if you don't like the weather, New England is know for being like this . It's raining and cold out now, I just hope it doesn't ice over !
Rain shops just aswel I craving ciggi 4months and counting.Proberly why I in Scrooge mode not Santa