I also like my GP because she accepts me with all my atypicity.
Atypicity because first of all, two diagnoses of Single Sided Deafness and ADHD (a sensorial disability and a learning disability is not a very often seen association of diagnoses : my GP told me it, my ENT doc told me it and my psychiatrist (for ADHD) told me it).
Atypical also because learning 3 foreign languages with a hearing impairment is not something she has seen often (maybe I am her first patient like that).
Atypicity because I react very strangely to many meds, vaccines etc...
Many doctors I've seen (especially GPs) have no idea on how to react with me. She doesn't have the science, and maybe someone else would have managed as well as her but differently, but physician who know how to manage me is something very rare ! :O
She is also often very surprise on how can I manage both of these diagnoses.
I remember once that she was worried because I have no checks (only a credit card). I replied to her that I don't have checks because after, I don't follow well my bank accounts and I mix up everything.
Her concern changed to a : "I don't know how can you manage your disability like that !", on a very surprised tone. She thought the bank took me away the checks, instead, I refused them myself to manage better my account.
Or when we talked about the fact that I have no relationship any more with my father (I can't consider him as a father, he is only a male parent : he was there to create me, but didn't assume nothing toward me, and not the disability !). She told me that she wondered how could I handle this fact without taking it as a catastrophe, like the vast majority of people.
(Between parenthesis, I would be told I'd die tomorrow from tetanus because of paralyzed airway and with terrible suffering, I would say it's a catastrophe. Otherwise, I can't manage any more now to take things as a catastrophe, even when the ENT doc and the geneticist told me that my deafness may worsen in case of pregnancy and, from here, to refuse it. A friend considered as a catastrophe, but objectively, you have no obligation to be pregnant to be a mother, so for me, this is not a catastrophe, and not a life catastrophe).
Sad sometimes yes, like anyone on the Earth, but I always find some means to take back some energy and go ahead.
She taught me so much, even when I was a child (she cared me when I was a child, then mom changed GP because of matters between mom and the GP. I found her back because I was feeling like in an urgent way I needed to know pieces of my story that I couldn't know otherwise. I don't exactly remember how did the confidence relationship built back, but it was quite quick and we are totally confident each other).
I think it reminded me back when I went back to her : be positive and also very patient.
The skill of patience has been more concrete with her : it was quite theorical before, with her it becomes more concrete day after day.
Scolding me is very impressing (for me), but it's only the tiniest part of the relationship.
The rest is that she teaches me a lot (about health and the rest

), she is always positive and when I get back home after seeing her, I am always loaded with energy to battle against disability.
I also like her firm way to say things, I like she recognizes when I'm right, she recognizes when she makes/made a mistake. So recognizing when she is right, when I make a mistake (and when it's a very serious one, I know it is and I know why => she scolds me, I can't say she is wrong, despite I don't like being scolded), that I have to do this even if I don't like it is not so difficult for me : for all these reasons, I know she acts in my own interest, so following her advice is not very difficult (in term of practical stuff, it may be, but trying to follow her advice is not very difficult).
Someone told about communication needs (I absolutely don't remember the nickname, so forgive me).
I don't have real communication needs, but I think she would have adapted herself if required. I just know that when she calls me, I told her that I hear her, but can't locate where she calls me from. She thought I couldn't hear her well, but it's not the case (this makes also my atypicity for her

But I really don't know what did I taught her as a patient, and I think to ask her so next time I see her.....