How is everyone dealing with TIME CHANGE?

me_punctured said:
I wonder if the time change affects work productivity and increases the likelihood of automobile accidents due to the disruption of sleep schedules.

Hmmph. Good question! I didn't feel an hour shift threw my cognitive ability to drive and attend to the classes... Prehaps it is different in April than in October (or Sept? when is the daylight saving day in autumn anyway?) due to an increase in daylight exposure rather than driving around in dark at 6am...?

However for the automobile accidents, surveying San Diego will be out of question-- it rained. Nobody here knows how to drive in the rain. So surveying San Diegans will give that questin a biased statistics. (Fact: it rained yesterday, and there was 200 accidents between midnight last night and 3 o'clock this afternoon, reported by CHP.)
me_punctured said:
I wonder if the time change affects work productivity and increases the likelihood of automobile accidents due to the disruption of sleep schedules.

For increased insurance payments for the next three years, I wonder what the mean loss in 2006 dollars in disposable income is per individual (in collision as consequence of time change).


I wonder how much money the insurance companies are going to take from Normal Ned after he rams Panicky Paula.
I don't sleep really good since the time change , Today at work i fall sleep on my desk and my boss wake me up ask me if I am ok I told her yes i am ok . Well I will use the time soon.
:( Losing that one hour of sleep can be pretty tiring!!! It took me several days to get back on track again. But, I sure do like the sun staying out longer during the evenings now. We can finally shed that "cabin fever" feeling, and start doing things outdoors again. :thumb:
I'm used to it because i am morning person.

One thing I like is light stay until 8.30 pm because I love sit and watch sunset outside... :thumb: to watch my children enjoy at garden...