How hard of hearing is HoH?

I have bad hearing. I'm constantly having to ask people to speak up. If I'm in a restaurant or place with even mild background noise, I can be sitting across a booth from someone, and not understand the noises that they make. Sometimes, even right next to them. It's very annoying, but whenever I come across someone HoH, they have a hearing aid, and rely pretty heavily on it for oral communication.

So, how hard of hearing is Hard of Hearing? How bad is bad enough to be HoH? I feel weird describing myself as Hearing, considering just how much I have to ask people to repeat themselves, and how I hate watching things without subtitles or Closed Captions. At the same time, I can't see myself being considered HoH, seeing how well I can hear compared to people who need hearing aids to function as Hearing in the Hearing world.

Is there a certain level that you have to reach to be HoH? Is there a list of symptoms separating bad hearing from hard of hearing? Is there any kind of line? The best way, I know, is to see a doctor and have your hearing tested, but I don't have medical insurance right now, or a doctor. I also have a friend who is considered HoH, but he seems to be able to hear people in a group easier than I. He says, however, that he's had more practise at it.

i strongly advise you get your hearing test. You can get free hearing tests at a clinic or center in your area. Just google free hearing tests *name of your area*.

There are different degrees of hearing loss. Mild, moderate, severe, and profound. From your post, it seems to me that you're mildly or moderately HOH. But I don't know.

As for symptoms, there are how loud people's voices are to your ears. Low and muffled? Inaudible? Normal closer to you? How well can you hear in noise level and distance? Also, are you alerted easily? Do you know when your alarm goes off or the smoke detector is beeping or a car is honking? If somebody is calling your name several feet away from you, do you turn around? Answer those questions, and you'd get a good idea whether you're possibly HOH.

But the best way is to go to a doctor...
You don't have to get bend out of place b/c you hate drug store glasses , I know someone that get all their glasses at a drug store b/c they cost less.

If you are nearsighted or have astigmatism, you can't buy your glasses off the shelf at the drug store. The only glasses that drug stores are legally able to sell are + glasses which are for reading or people who are farsighted.