How Gay Are You?

26% too straight here. I am straight, happily married to my husband, and I have some gay/bi friends.
I wonder how they do the scoring system.

I've got friends who tell me that I'm already gay, I just don't act like it. They say that everyone is bi-sexual in some way. For instance, they say that I'm gay because I hug my dad. :roll:

- I have no idea how they do with scoring system but read this anyway.

I believe nobody can really predict that person is gay or not - you know some people have their sides of their gender for an exmaple, a man with little feminie or woman with a little of macho which is very normal for everyone.

But one thing that is turned me off when people call you gay because you hug your dad, that is not SO true! You're just a family guy. Hug is a important love to everyone. Love needs be there because Hate is already there.

I believe we are gay because we know our idenity and our feelings of being gay person. Idenity is very important to each of us, right ? For all of us being Deaf, Hard of hearing, CI, whatever so GLBT has included. :)
Lol! !

Mine is 43% , a happy and well adjusted hetero babe!......(too straight)

whew!!! Im glad that Im straight....Cuz I love c***.... oopsss....:ugh3:

On feb 24 2007 i got only 33%.
on this date 04-29-2007 i got 50%.

It's geting much better. :giggle:
My score is 30%

I wonder how they do the scoring system.

I've got friends who tell me that I'm already gay, I just don't act like it. They say that everyone is bi-sexual in some way. For instance, they say that I'm gay because I hug my dad. :roll:

Maybe they are hoping that you are gay so they can get you.:ugh3:
What that percentages??? I can't be gay with percentage: we are gay or not.
Either else I'm gay like hetero. No queer in view about me.
Do u understand?
60% gay-a 'well adjusted lesbian babe.'

right on....'cept I do like 'dyke' far more tham 'lesbian'

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