Anji, on the other hand, there is a HUGE difference between a profound physical disabilty and an extreme profound mental disabilty. Heck there's a HUGE difference between an extreme profound mental disabilty and a "just profound" mental disabilty.
Anji, you're also missing that the doctors in Canada said he was in a PVS and deteriorating. When you're deteriorating in a PVS, you're dying.
I know that the parents tried to get other opinons from other places in apparently this case isn't one of those ambigious cases , where one doc would say that they're stable....Joseph is actively dying.
I don't mean to be argumentative here, but ... no, I'm not "missing" anything. Honest.
In fact, I'm well aware of the many details (and many of the specifics, perhaps more than most people as I have immediate friends who actually know this family very well... keep in mind that not everything is made public). I also personally know dozens of parents who've had to make the choice on when to "let go" and how to do that (after their SMA child has a heart attack, or some other trauma where there is brain damage etc).
At this moment there is a mum of a little boy both of whom I care deeply for and are part of my "family" who's may quite soon be facing a similar "if there's profound brain damage, what do we do".... this isn't "hypothetical" for me, in the way that it is for many people reading about it. Over the past 9 years I've lost more than 20 beautiful, adorable, amazing infants and children who are part of my "extended family" ... this is part of my "life" not "just" a new story.
The family simply wanted to be able to trach their child, so they could bring them home for the weeks or months that might be left. The doctors refused because because our healthcare is government funded - so the family didn't even have the option of PAYING out using their own money to have the procedure done as it's not an option in Canada.
The parent's aren't deluded, they just want their child's death to be as loving as it can be and at home... something that isn't asking a lot.
Anyone who's ever been intubated for specifically for breathing difficulties (profound pneumonia, CF, lung disease etc) can tell you that having a breathing tube removed without then being placed on some other form of support (CPAP, BiPAP, NIV Vent etc) is almost akin to slowly drowning ... you're GASPING for every breath, your body panic responses kick in (even if you're in PVS) it is a traumatizing, slow agonizing and PAINFUL death which no one would wish upon anyone, let alone their child.
The situation for this child, the way he would die if the Canadian hospitals had their way is a different situation than removing a vent/life support from someone who is completely and totally "brain dead" or paralyzed in a way in which without the vent they are unable to take a single breath (or more than 3) in which case the individual literally dies within moments (ie a single breath) - even in cases where those who are "completely brain dead" (which is very different than PVS) when "withdrawing life support" measures are taken to 100% prevent any consciousness/pain etc if ANY possibility that the person might be even a tiny bit "there" exists.
This was a money decision not an ethical one.
In fact I know multiple cases in Canadian hospitals very similar to this, where I DO know first hand, the children & families. Families I exchange emails,and Christmas cards, occasional gifts etc (where the child IS mentally PERFECTLY FINE), who's parents have been told by the hospital that they are (the hospital) refusing to do "x" or "y" needed to treat the child (who has pneumonia, or some other treatable condition) simply because in a medical textbook from the 80s it says that "this child will only leave a few more months anyway, you're just prolonging the inevitable" ... it happens far more often than people think - it just doesn't hit the media all the time. BTW, many of those "prolonging the inevitable" kids are now in elementary school. These are the same kids that one or more hospitals refused to treat. This isn't happening because the child is in PVS & deteriorating... the sad scary fact is that more often than people might want to think, these decisions are based on money and money alone.
This family just wants to have this child trached so that WHEN they die (which they KNOW will be soon), it will be peaceful, instead of terrifying (for the child, and the parents who have to stand there watching their child gasps for breath, as their little body panics, while the last thoughts of whatever is "left" of this child's mind is "mommy, dadddy - help"
They're NOT trying to "extend" this child's life, as much as they are frightening DESPERATELY to ensure a peaceful death for their child - knowing all too well what that death CAN and SHOULD be allowed to be.