How Does The Deaf Community View Glbtq People?


New Member
Apr 7, 2016
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How do your local Deaf communities feel about GLBT issues and people? Is it cool? Is it not okay? I'm genuinely curious since I'm not active in the local Deaf community and never had the chance tk become culturally Deaf.
Uhm.. Where does being deaf come into this? People who identify as LGBTQIA+ are cool with me - I am one.

We feel the same as everyone else...Our deafness doesn't change us as human beings. We still form opinions, and thoughts just like everyone else.
We are and have been one of the most accepting communities re lgbtqa
We are open mind culture.mnot closed mind.

It's been our great strength.
And will continue to be our great strength
maybe so but just like in the hearing world there are some people in the Deaf world who are against and actually hate LGBT- I've heard of some stories like that both at Gallaudet and outside of Gallaudet. For the most part these days things are much better. Not so much back about 10 or more years ago.
Just like in the hearing world, there are some Deaf people who dont accept them (usually the religious ones) and some who do. Deafness has nothing to do with our views.

I will add this...we, in the Deaf community, all are different and have different views. We all do not think the same.
In my experience. For what its worth. Deafie school and gally so on
it was open mind the norm
maybe it was the crowd
im not stating their are no bigots amongst us. But compared with hearie world
we are open mind
My experience anyway.
The relation with LGBT is a lot better than in 80s and 90s, except for right wing evangelicals. Don't expect about treat better in Alabama and Mississippi.
Also, I notice that deaf people are one of most religious that similar to black people's group than hearing groups.

On FB, many deaf people threw all drama over bible since my hearing friends do nothing.
Also Salma asked re culture and community
Not individual
So I think it's fair to address her by that

As an example
If someone asked
" is urban North American culture more friendly to lgbtqa or accepting then say Sunni Muslim culture?"

The question is of groups and culture
Any culture will always have individuals either way..
But her question was a cultural one
And really Deaf culture has always been more open mind then hearie,

The ci nightmare obviously is the exception with good reason

Even in our schools..particularly so...where I was anyway...why it came to sexuality and sex...all things sexual

It was open mind.
Compared to what hearie kids went through