How do you view yourself as a deaf?


New Member
Apr 22, 2012
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I am a deaf and would like to know how you (deaf) view yourself> eg
>as a useless person in the society?
> as equal to hearing people
>as an abandoned person
Just curious about whether there are problems. You know, one person tries to explain to other person about how they can get maximum speed with turbo einge? They find out that this person is deaf. You know, forget it. Not worth my time explaining to a deaf person about turbo engine. Does any one have problems like this feeling abandoned?
A specimen to be studied in an ant farm by some hearing people.
Not to double post the exact same thing, but in this case it applies:

"Feeling like a stranger in strange land, caught between two worlds, neither of which seem to be mine to embrace.

A purgatory if you will.................."
I am a deaf and would like to know how you (deaf) view yourself> eg
>as a useless person in the society?
> as equal to hearing people
>as an abandoned person

NOT as a useless person to society!

I wouldn't really say that I'm "equal" to hearing people, per se. But, I'm certainly NOT inferior. I'm not saying that I'm not superior, though. :giggle: (Just kidding 'bout that, btw. I don't think that I'm superior to most anyone.)

Seriously, I view myself as ME - an awesome girl who just happens to be deaf. No more, no less. I do feel "abandoned" at times, yes. And, a lot of times, hearing people make me feel like a lab specimen or something...
I like what TubeTJ had to say...stranger in a strange land. Don't fit anywhere. But I adapt, change, figure out a way to be. :wave:
Hey... what are you doing outside of the ant farm?!? Get back under the microscope NOW!

:lol: Just kidding :)

There is a secret tunnel near the leads to the maze that they use for rats....


p.s. I admire you, you have good self-esteem and have a great attitude. It is hard for many of us to feel that way after years of being suppressed. Keep it up and show the world that you can do it!!
I am a deaf and would like to know how you (deaf) view yourself> eg
>as a useless person in the society?
> as equal to hearing people
>as an abandoned person

Nah. Super ASL user. :ugh3:
Well....I'm proud to be a coal miner's daughter...I'm proud to be the way I am...and if somebody don't like it, they can stick it where the sun don't shine.....
I see myself as a hoh and a deaf person. Proud of who I am...not about what I am. English doesn't define me. It's one of many that makes me who I am.
Just curious about whether there are problems. You know, one person tries to explain to other person about how they can get maximum speed with turbo einge? They find out that this person is deaf. You know, forget it. Not worth my time explaining to a deaf person about turbo engine. Does any one have problems like this feeling abandoned?

Exactly...I feel abandoned all the time and that is why I stay to myself. Some ppl dont get that and label me an asshole...smh. Im sure some of you know what Im talking about! Some ppl feel hopeless toward deaf ppl. Know what even worst? They judge deaf ppl are the ppl who are audists..just blows me the fuck away..just wow,i mean a big fuckin wow! Know whats really bad? They fuck with you when you are around and they think you dont know..ah man, that boils my blood..I dont like to confront ppl..keeps me out of trouble.. :lol: and this a private secret,I get to know them more in a bad way which is good sometimes..know what I mean? When they learn you know, they put on a ghost face..rofl.. You ever have ppl go out of their way and make you look silly and you didnt know at the moment?

A lot of times, I feel very lonely as well. It's not like I can pick up a phone and chat with old friends and chicks. I cant go to the bar(maybe thats a good thing) and get into a conversation.. This shouldnt keep me from being happy but it does. :roll: I live for jesus is all I can do. We all face audism and it will never end..I know a deaf guy I used to go to school with is in same boat with me. I seen ppl ignored him at his job,Walmart. Just the way life is..Im not mad at myself or dislike myself. It is what it is. I know, it's very tough to be deaf but we're not the only ones face reality every single day..same with gay people,same with poor ppl,same with prisoners...I could face bigger problems so dont feel sorry fo' muhself.
Since becoming Bilateral DEAF-December 20, 2006, my view of myself hasn't changed.
Why should it?