How do you make spendable cash?? Illegal or legal.

You know, the irony of this thread is, the title mentions "legal or illegal" yet, this kid instantly shuns the top two ways of making quick cash illegally?

Hey, guy. I've made 900 bucks in one night selling certain... goods. Just a thought -- In theory, if I continued to sell my product at the pace of 900 a day, I would be making 6,300 a week. However, that was a one-time thing, and I don't go "big". I aquire what me and some friends what for cheap, and I sell it to them for slightly more than I paid for it, just to break even.

I'm just going to say this -- You don't have to become a drug dealer to make good money. The thing is, when you need money, you know you have the ability to make it, as long as you know a few good dealers around town. Hell, whenever I need some quick cash, I'll have several hundred within 2-3 hours... think about it.
i dont understand why people want sell ABC cards ?? who idea ?? my friend sell ACB cards at wal fart and got 50 dollars in one hour thats it.. i feel not comforable with friends who sells front me .. i ran away from them and shopping anywhere alone ..
let me tell you little story.. my friends ( two men ) drove up to NY for WTC one year anniversay.. they did walked and saw THOUSAND PEOPLE cried and decide tap peoples shoulder showed the abc cards while people cried about WTC.. i was so BLEWWWWWWWWWWWW UP at my friends dont do that to people bother!!! so people TURNED them down refuse gave them money nothing at all stuck !!! geez
get a job (which u have) and save them up. Dont spend spend all the time. Just saved up and u will be surprised the money is there. Or have 2 jobs and save alot more. :D
abc card........... why not SIGNING card and give it to hearing peeps who would like to learn. :D Not to insult, I mean.. to teach in friendly way.

Or do somethin crafty type and sell them. Maybe that'll do good extra money but of course, do reasonable price.
Thanks to everyone who took my question seriously.
MsGiglz: funguz? Thank you, for taking my question with extra sarcasm.