What I don't understand is why would you want to get advice about personalize your living space?
You could have asked your friend or your close friend to help you decide what you want to decorate your room, not online internet. You don't need to depend us for all of your personal questions on things that are personal to you. You are expecting us to make decisions for you. If you don't have friends beside your housemates, then you need to find out why you are having problem meeting people who could have been your friends if you need help in the real world. It sound like you are not growing up at all. Still a child asking for what to do with your life. You have to make your own decision on what to do with your life and your apartment (house). You have to do it yourself. Be independent.
Beside, I noticed you were not talking about d/Deaf issues on your posts much. Lots of time it is about you only. Geeze.