How do you feel when...........


New Member
Mar 11, 2003
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All suddenly you got an email from someone that you do not know, and you open it & you go on, and read..unknown person tell you that your bestfriend got in an automobile accident and got killed by other driver....{the person was telling me specific where my bestfriend was in} I got all upset and went crazy - then couple hours later, my bestfriend got on and IMed me, what the fuck was that.... I expected him'd ya feel if it happened to you and u found out that it was all false.

DAMN this person who did it.
Gosh. The person is idiot for informing you that your bestfriend is "dead" in auto accident, turns out false. It is horrible. I am glad that your best friend is alive. :nono: at person who spreads false information on other is uncool.
:werd: totally agree with u Oddball -- so TOTALLY uncool! :roll: some ppl would do some shit like that and that does suck big time!!!! *smh*
I've seen it happen. Usually, it's someone trying to make someone else look bad. That's why I made that comment in the other thread about the Sextoon creator. I've been through it before and don't like it. I rather see evidence or hear from a reliable source than just some random message out of nowhere.
Ew. That's why I try not to open emails from a random emailer. Besides how would they get my email address if I've never seen their email before?

Anyway that sucks.
this is really totally immature way to do. Happened to one of my friend before... it's terrible.. after his graduation.. one of his Ex spread the news that he killed himself.. and nearly whole deaf community here in minn believe it.. and couple of weeks later it was found not true... and he heard it and he got really mad..
granted true, but as far as the prank goes that dude is an sicko, whilist there was actually a newspaper clipping of sextoon and the websites as well, some poeple are genuine whilist others are just plain dumbfucks who gets thier jollys off this, to ensure this doesn't happen. don't belive the person U DON T KNOW ON the e mails, just wait til u see the person themselves OR contact someone like a realtive OR check the newspaper clippings! Plain and simple. its not wise to jump when u first get the e mail just check those above mentioned. cuz someone could pull a prank but its also not wise to *bytch* out that person abt that so called comments like vampy mentioned BUT lemme explain poeple DO check thier facts before they go posting anything, what that dude did was wrong. and making an unwise comments is also wrong to, just check before u make a comment. sometimes it helps to *investage* before u comment anything. that way no harsh feelings were inflamed or anyone getting hurt whilist we pay our respects too.....
That was quite cruel of that person to inform you that your best friend was 'dead' from a car accident. It's happened so many for example, one alumni from my school was rumoured to have died from a brain tumour. I heard the rumour in the early '90's then...about a year before I moved to Australia -- I ran into the bloke who had supposedly died from the tumour, at a deaf event!
I don't believe everything I read on the internet. If I see an email from a stranger, off to the trashcan it goes!! Why waste my time reading infested and hoaxed emails?

Learn from me.
Deaf258 said:
I don't believe everything I read on the internet. If I see an email from a stranger, off to the trashcan it goes!! Why waste my time reading infested and hoaxed emails?

Learn from me.

well, they were using my bestfriend's full name, excatly where he was ( i knew he was in that city) and the person said he got in acccident there. blah so thats why i believed at first.
Had that shit happen to me.. what happened was that she was doing this to another girl that she owed some hundreds to... so that girl would back off.... mmm ever since- i lost respect for her