How Do You Feel Today?

If you are experiencing pain in your ear, you should see a doctor in case you are developing an ear infection.

I'v had this kind of ear pain before several times, and I havent been to the doctors. It went after a week or 2
I ended up having a severe panic attack 2 days ago due to being in a manic state because of my bipolar. As a result, I knocked myself out with a higher dose of a sleep med I am to take whenever I feel manic and slept from Saturday afternoon until Sunday evening and again from Sunday night until earlier this afternoon. I'm back to feeling level again, but now I can't sleep. :lol: I don't want to take a higher dose of my sleep med because if I do, I'm afraid I'll sleep all day tomorrow and I have an important appointment that I can't miss. At any rate, I'm just glad to finally be back to my "old" self again. :D
I'm in a great mood. :D The sun is shining after several days of rain, so that has me feeling good as well. I have an appointment this afternoon that I'm looking forward to which has also helped lift my spirits. It's hard to believe I felt so depressed and irritable last week. Just goes to show how quickly things can change for the better. :cool2:
I feel fine other than my ears and feet are cold. My hands however are nice and warm from sitting on the warm laptop.
I feel so relief after the crazy night and early morning... I had some enough of sleepiness. =_=
My emotions have been up and down all day. I started off feeling great, then my mood plummeted after I started getting a headache. Now my headache is gone, so I'm back to being in a good mood. :D
I'm pretty much ok today and the sun is shining outside. Almost ready to start the day :D
I'm feeling real sad today, my good friend Tim passed away this morning (Tuesday). The cause of his death is yet to be known, we are waiting on the autopsy results.
I am sick with a fever and a cough. My body hurts all over. :(