It's doesn't matters . You will know yourself and see it it yourself from your own experience. The more important person is who you are and be you that you are not a dumb person.Show me links of evidence.
It's doesn't matters . You will know yourself and see it it yourself from your own experience. The more important person is who you are and be you that you are not a dumb person.Show me links of evidence.
Well what links of edivence you want to know ?LOL!!! P, Why don't u be nice?
Hi back. Well from what my experience that I 've well known. To my knowledge of what I think all schools are good for the kids to go to school. That's what important. No matters where ! Look at this way.. My hearing brother didn't graduated high school but he went to summer school to make it up then went to the Navy . I know some of the deaf students from my previous deaf school those who graduated and went to galladuet College. Nothing it's too important what they requires the student in school today. Why need to be too intgellent ?? That's my point just be smart and be wise .. don't do any stupid things.Ofc, I asked what do u think?
I wouldn't care. I would accept my child for who he/she was.
I'm deaf myself, so I would consider that a huge advantage towards ensuring that my deaf child doesn't go through the hardships that I went to.
For instance, I knew nothing about VR support... ADA... financial aid... etc. No one told me these things. Now that I know about these things, I'll make sure that my kid knows about it.
Do that deaf schools have Geometry,Trigonometry and/or calculus, Homework Center, Spanish Language, Cued Speech, Sign Language Course and Deaf History?
Do that deaf schools have Geometry,Trigonometry and/or calculus, Homework Center, Spanish Language, Cued Speech, Sign Language Course and Deaf History?
Ofc, I asked what do u think?
It doesn't matter to me, deaf or hearing, any child is unconditional love...
I'll be upset if the baby is deaf becuz I do not want to get involved with deaf ppl at residential school.
I also would panic because I know there are very few quality programs available for deaf infants and children. I would have to relocate to find a good early childhood intervention program specifically designed for deaf children.
I was explaining to my doctor (before my twins were born) about the whole deaf culture thing related to a deaf mother's acceptance of her child's hearing/deaf status. He didn't really seem to understand. Then a couple of months later he called me at home. There was two patients who had given birth around the same time. One was deaf, and the other was hearing. The deaf mother gave birth to beautiful healthy hearing baby. The hearing mother gave birth to a beautiful healthy deaf baby. Both mothers cried and grieved. The deaf mother said this was the first hearing baby in their family (four generations) - what is she going to do with a hearing baby?! She doesn't know how to talk! She doesn't have music at her home! Etc. The family was in shock since they had expected a deaf baby. The hearing mother was crushed. She had never met a deaf person in her life - what was she going to do with a deaf baby?! It was a very interesting moment...and the doctor asked both of them if it was okay for me to come up and talk with them. They said "yes" and so I agreed to come up and talk with them individually. The deaf baby is doing wonderful - and I got to teach her in my class . The hearing baby is doing wonderful- he became my godson. Both mothers are now good friends.