Banjo said:
Anybody who would want to completely destroy one of their senses obviously need to get some professional help.
For once, Banjo, I'd have to agree with you. I mean, losing my sense of taste, (though it would also have to mean losing my sense of smell to give it the full effect) could be nice because it would be a lot easier to eat healthy goods and stuff. However, I would like to be able to smell if something's burning, or a baby, or....
I really enjoy ASL, enjoy meeting people in the deaf community, and learning about deaf culture. If I did for some reason become deaf, I wouldn't feel like ALL HOPE IS LOST!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!
BUT, it would be frustrating not to be able to communicate as easily with my family and hearing friends. Also, people learn so much about the world by "overhearing" other people's conversations; I would miss that. There are certain sounds, like children laughing, and selects types of music, that I would really miss.
Some people do want to become deaf because of the culture and the people, I know some CODA's have felt this way. They feel it would be easier to be fully in the deaf world, (especially if they have all deaf siblings, like a teacher of mine did) than be "mostly a part of both.
I think though, when a lot of people SAY they want to be deaf, and they are learning sign or don't know deaf people very well, they are saying to try and make the deaf person feel better. I was guilty of it the beginning of my first semester

**hides in embarrassment** When hearing people don't understand at least some of the complexities that go into deafness, they say that to try and be polite rather than because they really mean it.
just my thoughts, ttyl