How do you deal

take your kid to boxing class or jitsu. it helps. It's not necessary to make him learn how to fight but to improve his self-confidence.
when i was teenager age, i see somebody mock at me and my friends. I flipped my middle finger and said to 'em, "F..k y'all and i can hear y'all" then copy what did they said from my voice to speak. Its always works.
when i was teenager age, i see somebody mock at me and my friends. I flipped my middle finger and said to 'em, "F..k y'all and i can hear y'all" then copy what did they said from my voice to speak. Its always works.
There was a time when I was in high school and I was at the mall with a couple of my deaf friends. We were signing as we were walking back to his car. A couple of hearing guys saw us and started mock-signing to us as well as talking in a way that he was making fun of us and we would never hear what he was saying.

What they didn't know was that I was hard-of-hearing and could understand clearly what they were saying.

So, I calmly replied... "You call that sign language?"

They immediately stopped talking with a shocked face, gulped, and walked away in embarrassment. Hehehe!
If I was 9 and this was happening to me, there are 2 things I think my mom would have done. First she would have given me a book on other tweeny's who are deaf. Then she would try her dangest to find some well known/famous tweeny's who are deaf. Maybe a bibilograpy by a deaf person documenting how they grew up and dealt w/ their challenges? She would have found a book, though. She gave me many a books and they all helped me get by. I am so sorry your dd is going through this.
I am not sure if you are aware of this site but I think if you dig around this site, maybe something will pop out at you. I only did a search for I am a deaf teenager. There is a section labeled stories from deaf kids and adults growing up w/ a hearing loss. I think somewhere in there you can print for your dd. HTH

Raising Deaf Kids