How do u feel?


New Member
Apr 18, 2003
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I'm just curious how you guys feel about being deaf because I know some loves it while others dont. I love being deaf but negative part about it is unable to commuicate with my family who refuse to learn sign language :cry: or tried to but couldn't. How about you?

I know some about hearing people is having to listen to whole crap from other people' mouths OR hearing planes/thunderstorm in their sleep while deaf peeps like us could sleep right though it. :rofl:
hm I'm only deaf in family and it doesn't bother me cuz I have hearing family I do communicate with hearing family back in other state by pen and paper and also I'm only one deaf at work so I use pen and paper to communicate with my co-workers so really I don't care as long I have good concept of bein aware of understanding english and be aware of that skill that I need to face in real world ;)
mostly family are fine. sometimes they don't undy my communcation make me crazy, grrrr but that's life.
Well, I'm used to it, but there are some negatives of being deaf, like for example, when I was little, I remember having relatives over for holiday dinners and things like that--(I'm the only deaf in the family) I would always be left out because they all would talk fast and not include me in their conversations..Some of them would speak in another language too (my grandmother and her relatives are french, so they speak french whenever they're together..) so I just ask to be excused and go to my room to watch tv cuz I'm not going to sit there and bore myself to death, eh. I have told them many times to please talk slow and talk in E N G L I S H but sometimes they forget..:roll: My grandmother would ask me why I left and watch tv instead of being with them and include myself.. I said how can I if i can't understand a word.. remember I'm not the one who can hear and you all are..She said nothing and said she would not let that happen again, but she did..she forgets. :roll: My aunt is the only one who'd inform me about what they're talking about..:dunno: Oh well. They don't do that now because I'm older, I guess. geez.
:rofl: @ drstar's post... anwayyy. I m proud 2 be deaf, had no problems commuicating with my family bec my parents and brother are deaf..
Originally posted by Teekie
Well, I'm used to it, but there are some negatives of being deaf, like for example, when I was little, I remember having relatives over for holiday dinners and things like that--(I'm the only deaf in the family) I would always be left out because they all would talk fast and not include me in their conversations..Some of them would speak in another language too (my grandmother and her relatives are french, so they speak french whenever they're together..) so I just ask to be excused and go to my room to watch tv cuz I'm not going to sit there and bore myself to death, eh. I have told them many times to please talk slow and talk in E N G L I S H but sometimes they forget..:roll: My grandmother would ask me why I left and watch tv instead of being with them and include myself.. I said how can I if i can't understand a word.. remember I'm not the one who can hear and you all are..She said nothing and said she would not let that happen again, but she did..she forgets. :roll: My aunt is the only one who'd inform me about what they're talking about..:dunno: Oh well. They don't do that now because I'm older, I guess. geez.

totallyyyy dont blame u. Been there and done that. (expect my family dont speak french :D ) If I get left out, I play with the kids and act like a kid or I bother them. :D
I didn't have kids that time, but if they still do that now, that's just what I'll do.. be with my kids :lol:
and talk in E N G L I S H
Can't you speechread French? When I was a teen I went to an all girls camp with a very high percentage of Qubecoisi (French-Canadian) girls and I'd taken French in school so I could speechread them very well! By the time I left I could have a soundless conversation(speechreading with NO sound) in French with a lot of them!
sorry for the drift.....anyway I don't mind being deaf. I was destined to be deaf from the moment of conception (my deafness is denovo genetic) Hey...I was never scared of thunder, I could always turn my hearing aids off on people, I can have conversations (both "spoken" and signed) without even making a sound.
Originally posted by deafdyke
Can't you speechread French? When I was a teen I went to an all girls camp with a very high percentage of Qubecoisi (French-Canadian) girls and I'd taken French in school so I could speechread them very well! By the time I left I could have a soundless conversation(speechreading with NO sound) in French with a lot of them!
sorry for the drift.....anyway I don't mind being deaf. I was destined to be deaf from the moment of conception (my deafness is denovo genetic) Hey...I was never scared of thunder, I could always turn my hearing aids off on people, I can have conversations (both "spoken" and signed) without even making a sound.

No I can't speechreed French.. I don't know the language very well, only some.
From a deaf family here so communication is not a barrier for me. I am def proud to be deaf too.
I was little, I was frustrated and don't understand why am I deaf. That time I don't understand what's going on out there and feel left out. Now I am happy to be deaf and accept it. I always uses when all family chats and I try to involves. If it don't works, I always inform them I am off and what's the point to stay there. Makes them reaslised but not always. They know I always never go there. I know it is waste of time. But I have to go to their specail occasions. That's life!!!!!
How I feels about being deaf? i grew up, i was very ashamed that being a deaf. i actually never understood why i am deaf and be more diffcult communcate with my family in my entirely life. till i realized asl sign is beautiful and able communcate with another deafies in the same emotional and feeling. it is deaf language that hearing people who isn't accpet. you should be proud that way you are D-E-A-F that God created you his creative before born into the world!!! don't ask yourself why!
Originally posted by Teekie
Well, I'm used to it, but there are some negatives of being deaf, like for example, when I was little, I remember having relatives over for holiday dinners and things like that--(I'm the only deaf in the family) I would always be left out because they all would talk fast and not include me in their conversations..Some of them would speak in another language too (my grandmother and her relatives are french, so they speak french whenever they're together..) so I just ask to be excused and go to my room to watch tv cuz I'm not going to sit there and bore myself to death, eh. I have told them many times to please talk slow and talk in E N G L I S H but sometimes they forget..:roll: My grandmother would ask me why I left and watch tv instead of being with them and include myself.. I said how can I if i can't understand a word.. remember I'm not the one who can hear and you all are..She said nothing and said she would not let that happen again, but she did..she forgets. :roll: My aunt is the only one who'd inform me about what they're talking about..:dunno: Oh well. They don't do that now because I'm older, I guess. geez.

totally :werd: my family dont really keep me updated on whats going on either :roll: -- i intentionally missed the last family reunion opting to go to Vegas to meet up with a group of friends there and my family *hissing* abt that but i told them i would just simply be LEFT OUT so forget it -- im going to vegas! they :shock: and i said TUFF ! hehe