How do I turn on wireless on laptop?

there's usually a button for wireless - "On/Off"

what laptop do you have?
Now you know why I'm blonde :giggle:

Thanks Jiro! Now I have worked out which button is for wireless purpose.

Now I'm typing this on my new laptop Msi A6205.

Now the next step is to work out how to use webcam. :)
Sometime, you do not see any guide book. You need search guide in ebook on your laptop.

When you see power on. You saw green lite. Did you see one green and one orange lite? They have other button for wireless

They should have a button with orange lite. Push a button turn to green lite.
Sometime, you do not see any guide book. You need search guide in ebook on your laptop.

When you see power on. You saw green lite. Did you see one green and one orange lite? They have other button for wireless

They should have a button with orange lite. Push a button turn to green lite.

I thought it's usually women are into manual booklet.
Men? They don't need it at all! They go and figure it out.