How do get your dog to take pills?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
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I have to give my dog antibiotics for 8 more days and I been making Finlay tiny peanut butter sandwiches to hide the pill! But he has gotten wise to me and does not eat the sandwich right away ,he now put it on his blanket and think about eating it ! Do any of you have any neat tricks to 'fool' your dog into taking a pill ? Finlay is a Standard Poodle and very smart, he is hard to trick, he smell everything I give to him before eating it!

I meant to have my title say ' How do you get your dog to take pills?'
What I have done before might work: I rolled the pill into a piece of cheddar cheese. Cheese wasn't chewed by my dog so he would just gulp it down....
There are "treats" that are pill pockets. you can put a pill in it and enclose it. the dog will only smell the treat.
What I have done before might work: I rolled the pill into a piece of cheddar cheese. Cheese wasn't chewed by my dog so he would just gulp it down....

That's a good trick!...As for me, I always get someone to help me hold my doggie's mouth open...stick the pill down deep, (to where the dog might try to gag or push the pill back out), then close the mouth (tightly) and rub the throat....Sometimes, I have to do it twice....
There are "treats" that are pill pockets. you can put a pill in it and enclose it. the dog will only smell the treat.

I think I saw those before in a pet store I had forgotten about it, ,
I thought of the cheese trick too , but the pill is rather big , I would need to use a lot cheese to hide the pill. Thanks ! I think I will try to look for the pill pockets. I really wish the companies that made dog pills would made the pills taste good to our pets so the dog or cat will eat it like a treat , heart worms pills are made to taste good , so this can be done.
That's a good trick!...As for me, I always get someone to help me hold my doggie's mouth open...stick the pill down deep, (to where the dog might try to gag or push the pill back out), then close the mouth (tightly) and rub the throat....Sometimes, I have to do it twice....

I use to give my dog pills that way , but I have give him pills for 2 weeks and BID , and it hard to keep my dog big month open and get a pill down there alone! I also like to give the pill with a little food so he will have some food in him. my dog has a strange eating patten.
I have an epileptic dog who has to take phenobarb. 2x a day. I just disguise the pill in a dab of butter - never met a dog who didn't like butter, he licks it right off my finger, no problem! Even if he knows a pill is in there, doesn't matter, all that matters is the butter. Cream cheese works well for this too.
I use a cheese slice. The slice has to be big enough so that the dog doesn't eat the cheese and reject the pill. lol
Hid it in a spoonful of canned dog food. My friend's two dogs went nuts for it.
I use a cheese slice. The slice has to be big enough so that the dog doesn't eat the cheese and reject the pill. lol

I once tried hiding a pill in a piece of a hot dog , my dog did not fall for that trick! I did buy some chicken from the deli but the chicken is so greasy the pill slip right out when I tried to roll it up in the slice . And I tried to eat the chicken and it taste disgusting! Now I have a lb of disgusting crap , I hate to give it to my dog as it has a lot fat and salt in it.
Give them the first couple of pills for free. You can start charging once they are hooked.
Crush 'em. If it's a solid pill, grind it up under a flat-base mug (what I do, lol), then sprinkle it over his food. If it's kibble, add water and swirl it all around. If it's canned food, mix the powder in with the food. If it's a capsule, open it up and do the same thing (sprinkle it on food).

That's what I've done for years, and my dog's happy with the arrangement.
We wrap it in lunch meat. We did it with our old dog's allergy medication. We haven't had to give our 1 1/2 year old bassets a pill yet, though.
We've used snausages. Put the pill in it, and just give the dog the whole danged thing. Our dogs have taken pills this way for years. One caveat is that our dogs have needed pills from puppyhood forward, so that may be why we've had such success with this. Our dogs are just used to it because we started doing this with them so young. You may have a harder time getting your adult dog to take a pill this way if you've not had to do it.

If that's the case, I'd suggest doing what the poster above me suggested regarding crushing the med and sticking it on their food. That may work best for a really stubborn dog.

Good luck!
Give them the first couple of pills for free. You can start charging once they are hooked.

That is a good idea! I only hope my dog will not be able to smell the pill as he smell everything I give to him! He is too smart to fool for long!
I used to have cheese or anything that the pill can be rolled in trick... he'll glup it down. But he's so smart that he had worked out why he gets "cheese treats" when he's ill and at regular times but never other times therefore he never touched cheese again! Damn dog so now days I just put him between my legs, crank his mouth open and shove it down his mouth. Luckily my dog is only small dog (8kgs).