Yea, due to a sickness I narrowly overcame in Dec 2013, I am profoundly deaf in my left year and hard of hearing in my right. The ringing in the hospital drove me nuts so I made them up my morphine to put me to sleep. Now I have my days... it seems i'm sensitive near a lot of electricity especially... Ironic how my hoh side can be quieter than my deaf side. What part of Cali are you from?
Glad to know it's gotten better for you Grummer

Any tips or suggestions?
id try give you a list of things I do, and i do this Everyday, no matter what...well there are days id slip just because I like to taste it.....often with a nasty tinnitus to go on for a couple of days (price I pay for that tasting!)
1. avoid high sodium foods, this includes Ham, potato chips, fried chips, peanuts,
2. avoid dried fruits, includes raisins,
3. avoid chocolate bars or most chocolates, cakes of chocolates are sometimes know the king sizes with squares to break off....they tend to be a bit, (just a little bit safer) than chocolate bars....only if I have 1 or 2 squares 3-4 squares is asking for it
4. a glass of milk before bed helps, even a half teaspoons of nutmeg stirred in milk helps
5. a banana before bed is also good
6. dont have apple juice at nights
7. i use to like apple juice during day (in sips /half a glass worth only not a whole glass as they are full of sugar)
8. avoid sugary foods, but i notice it better go in very moderate like consume a little bit so body doesn't spike, keep it even through day/night helps level out the ringing
9. my very deaF EAR HEARS more tinnitus better i don't have enough "hearing" to mask it -that why u got it worse there ...but the other ear get nothing at all....below 110-120dB!!
my left (good ear with tinnitus) is now below 100dB! used to be 80-90....

10. if you exercise as hobby, drink glass of water to 2 before you go (wait and toilet first too if you goes there fast) also warm up throughtly, if theres an excercise that pumps too much blood flow into the ear and rings in the gym like chin ups.....have longer breaks in between...dont intesify it too much
but then many are unavoidable.....
11. um bad one here, louder TV, lower on the Hearing aid...find that 'shifted balance of volumes' the idea is that you have less HA banging in your ear drums and HA picks up more sound from TV, dependings hwo you watch /lipread tv/read subtitles or combination of all ( I do all)
learn to quickly mute in tv ads.....they do turn up tv vol on the ads - deliberately because tv stations knows ppl go to kitchen to get cuppa or food in commericals so ads get louder to 'keep ppl's attention to tv (ads), sneaky bad but alwayd been like this
so muting ads helps to keep that noisy shit off.....
12. busy yourself with SOMETHING but with a quite background not too quiet but maybe similar sounding music as 'tinnitus music' or opposite but dont focus on the noise/music - focus on what your're doing like, reading, researching (thats what i do as im a post-grad student)....or play video games with noise down , you need to teach yourself to be occupied with something else and with little noise in back ground but not "listening" to that...
thats what i mean more mix of willpower and unwillpower
13. if you have a cat or dog, and likes to hear them, then do!...learn to focus on them , appreciate them (start to like some sounds) make that one tolerable, and others not....takes a long time, put of training yourself to be more robust and same time to like some sounds which 'gives hope' against tinnitus......(unwillpower/willpower ) its my funny way of describing it.....will power against tinnitus sometimes makes it worse or feel helpless
sometimes need to inverse it
i cant think of anything else right now , as I have to do things soon, have pple coming here soon..
well hope this gives you some ideas I will drop some more later when/if it pops in my head again....
but start off with this list....
OH lastly, do A/B testing but not on all of it at once, as you would be able to suss the one thing at a time, if it works keep it, do another, add up your own strategy of 'inversing' the runt of the tinnitus
, quiet but not completely, occupy yourself, glass of milk (nutmeg?) before you go to sleep/bed, have a mid afternoon nap if its bad, for 1/2 hour 1 hr, i do mean this sleep it off...then milk again resume...
avoid salty and sugary foods, spicy foods too beware of it,
also preservatives in foods (read labels).....porridge is good, cereals too sugary, have toast instead, eggs on toast works good!! Jams have too much sugar , experiement you might find strawberry jam more tolerable over Rashberry or marmalade....honey can be too sugary,
strangely Im OK with Peanut butter but not too much.....
so.....take notice
Cheers and good luck PM if anything else, questions or in here its fine good for other people to read and learn too