While my husband (Hearing) attends classes with me (I am HOH), we are kind of lazy about practicing together when he gets home from work. He wants to check his email, go on Facebook, and relax first. Maybe have a small snack. Then by that time, the dog needs her dinner, and it's time to start our dinner. And after, we just watch our favorite shows or a movie. So forget practice, right? Or we'll "say" we'll do it a couple times a week, or on the weekend, but then we don't get to it...

We've gotten to know another couple in class a little bit, and so now we get together once a week or more, to practice together. It helps them, too. Maybe you could form a small study group? Meet on campus or a Starbuck's or something, and study/practice together? Just an idea.

It really helps to practice with other people, because like people's speech patterns, their signing patterns are individual, too, and getting used to others helps me do better recognizing signs, etc.