what if he does it out of the blue for no reason? and catches you offguard??? because this is a person i have known for years who was always so sweet n loving who never argued with anyone... but in the last few years he has been very nasty, verbally abusive, tongue lashing at people, we think he is on drugs
(he admitted that he tried everything for the fun of it but wasn't "HOOKED" to them??? how can you NOT be hooked to drugs cuz i have heard stories that once you try it... you are easily hooked!???
) i mean he was always this sweet person and all that... but lately he has been taking it out on everyone... and if he is mad at someone... he calls them names, says nasty things about them that you wouldn't believe... then after they make up... he acts like nothing happened??? he does it with everyone sheesh...
HE HAS CHANGED SO MUCH... we also think it has to do with his upbringing and also he has ushers syndrome that he is STILL IN DENIAL...
and his eyesight has increasingly gotten worse in the last few years as well...
so we are trying to figure out if his erratic behavior has to do with drugs or not...