How can you communicate if 100%deaf

I only get PM's from my best friends. And I choose pretty carefully . :wave:

I'm a grown man... I will not cry because Bott is not one of my "friends"... No, that was not a tear.... it was a ... umm.... eyelash in my eye. Yeah, just an eyelash, nothing to see here folks, *sniff* move along!

Stop making me like all your posts, Cheetah!!!!!
^^^Do you set that up here, or just manually select which to see?

I'm a grown man... I will not cry because Bott is not one of my "friends"... No, that was not a tear.... it was a ... umm.... eyelash in my eye. Yeah, just an eyelash, nothing to see here folks, *sniff* move along!


It's in your options, as I see Cheetah told you.

And Cheetah, I usually take requests under advisement. I never befriend people unless they ask...
It's in your options, as I see Cheetah told you.

And Cheetah, I usually take requests under advisement. I never befriend people unless they ask...

Funny, I am the same way. I don't want to make anyone feel... like they must accept my friendship or risk hurting my feelings. I don't limit PM, so for me, there is no restriction. Having a friend list for me is just icing on the cake! :)
I think this cat has to get some sleep... Someone has to go to work to pay the bills. Night all!
I apologised!!! I'm sorry. Yes I guess since my brain is still healing "I have some lose screws" I was in a very dark place and reached out for help. I didn't intend to hurt anyone's feelings. I hope we can get past this....
Angle1989: Hope your appointment with the specialist on December 13, 2011 gives you medical peace-finally

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I tried, really. I've posted some private messages and went to the late defeaned like you guys suggested. Sorry if I missed you but i
apologised to mbeck and bottesini and I thought you. I've been in a really dark place and reached out for help. That's all I wanted didn't want to start a riot. I really am a nice person. And yes apparently according to a post "I have a lose screw". My brains still trying to recover. Are we OK????
Thanks drphil

I appreciate your kindness and have gained most valuable information for this long awaited appointment. Once again apologies to those I hurt and thank the ones who have supported me through my recovery!!
No need to worry, Angle1989. Some people get offended at the slightest thing around here. Others are more understanding. Can't win them all.
Glad I stayed

Im finding out I'm really happy I stayed on this site. There are many, many nice people. So thanks!!!!!!:angel:
Wirelessly posted

I think there needs to be a whole forum focused late deafened, not just a thread. There are over 2000 posts on it! That is pretty daunting for a newly deafened person who isn't even entirely sure what to ask. I think that would cut down on misunderstandings. Someone never exposed to the deaf world will have some questions that seem really obvious to us but just don't readily occur to people already freaking put about losing there main communication method.
To Angle 1989- you are welcome. It is a very trying time when what you experienced occurs -rather suddenly.

Not everyone has had the benefit of taking Coping/dealing with Hearing Loss-Canadian Hearing Society/Toronto as I have.

I guess there is much value here in Alldeaf.Com. especially in discussions from various viewpoints. Hopefully an "aid" in formulating one's opinion!

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Coping skills

Thanks drphil. Your so right. Going from hearing to deaf suddenly you are not prepared. I couldn't communicate with my hospital docs etc. when I was I'll. All my very large family and friends are hearing. I can't expect them to take a ASL class just for me, because they're busy. My moms 80. She dosent type on a computer. That is foreign to her. The voice to type software does not work at all with her very strong Irish brog. It's hard for her to write thing down so we have both lost a lot of communication and we are truly best friends. Some questions sound stupid but I really just wanted to learn.:angel:
Thanks drphil. Your so right. Going from hearing to deaf suddenly you are not prepared. I couldn't communicate with my hospital docs etc. when I was I'll. All my very large family and friends are hearing. I can't expect them to take a ASL class just for me, because they're busy. My moms 80. She dosent type on a computer. That is foreign to her. The voice to type software does not work at all with her very strong Irish brog. It's hard for her to write thing down so we have both lost a lot of communication and we are truly best friends. Some questions sound stupid but I really just wanted to learn.:angel:

Yes, it's a terrible thing to experience such a sudden loss. Your questions were never stupid in the first place. Just that some people are a bit hung strung around here rather than offer you a hand in a constructive manner.

Your situation is a tough one. It's going to take time, obviously, but time isn't a luxury with older parents. Those things are never easy. Is there a person who can act as a go between for your Mom to communicate with you?
My husband tries to write things down. But it's not the same as talking to your mom. When we have family get togethers I feel like staring at the wall when everyone is talking. But, I'm ok I'll deal. Just makes me sad since my mom is 80 and my father has passed I was really hoping to be a great support system for her. She doesn't drive and I'm disabled so I would take her out to breakfast, shopping etc. yes I know I can still do this its just not the same, just different. I'm happy to still have her in my life. Like I said before we tried the voice to type program but came out as "your mom says........" she wants to rub the tatoo on my but. Could get a little weird if you didnt know it was an error. Ha ha