Thanks,,and admit I know zilch about drugs....did think it was sort of "strange" I had to produce my DL to get it....
And got my brand, spanking new Red Walker today....(maybe Derek will offer to put a turbo engine in it)....Has a little basket on the front and my doggie is a little too rolly-poly to fit in it, but we can try to "squeeze her in it"....

...Doctor says I don't need a scooter just yet as my legs are good, it's just the Balance issue (from all the ear surgeries)...Looking forward to more long walks...and of course, less finger-pointing and whispering..."that Lady must be drinking"....
Come on over and I'll try to fit you into the little basket and take you for a spin, Angel!...I'm an excellent driver.

...we might run into Botti in Iowa.