How are you feeling today?....

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My knee is all black and blue and swollen after crashing into a fence. I gave in my temptation to go down the hill on my son's sled not realizing that the snow changed to ice as it was dark. I went down at the speed of lightning and crashed into the fence. OOOOOOOHH! And then we had to walk home from the park afterwards. Now, my knee is in so much pain. :(

Oh no!! hope it isn't serious. I am sorry that you have to deal with this tonight. hope it is going to get better soon.

Oh no!! hope it isn't serious. I am sorry that you have to deal with this tonight. hope it is going to get better soon.

Thanks..I feel fluid filling up around my knee. Ugh....means no walking tmw.
that would be plan. does it mean you take a day off from work?

NOOOOO WAY! I HATE missing work! It makes it harder to return to work. Being a teacher makes it so hard to miss work.

My knee is all black and blue and swollen after crashing into a fence. I gave in my temptation to go down the hill on my son's sled not realizing that the snow changed to ice as it was dark. I went down at the speed of lightning and crashed into the fence. OOOOOOOHH! And then we had to walk home from the park afterwards. Now, my knee is in so much pain. :( are a fearless gal, Shel!....That would have made a great family video!....(America's Most Funniest Videos"?).....Don't believe I would have been able to get up if it happened to me.... are a fearless gal, Shel!....That would have made a great family video!....(America's Most Funniest Videos"?).....Don't believe I would have been able to get up if it happened to me....

I love to be active. It is so hard getting older but when my mind feels like a kid.
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shel90 said: are a fearless gal, Shel!....That would have made a great family video!....(America's Most Funniest Videos"?).....Don't believe I would have been able to get up if it happened to me....

I love to be active. It is so hard getting older but when my mind feels like a kid.

Nothing that a bottle of wine can't cure. :P
Thanks..I feel fluid filling up around my knee. Ugh....means no walking tmw. careful. I can so feel your pain. It has been 10 weeks for me and my broken leg. Knee injuries can take forever to heal. I am finally starting to walk with a walker. Physical therapy is so painful.

Sounds like you need to see a doctor. I wish you the best.
Shel, if you haven't already, make a rice sock (or two) and put them in the freezer. Much better than a bag of ice which will melt. Especially at bedtime.
Feeling itchy and sneezy....tree pollen is car is covered with it and looks Green....Using baby wipes for my dogs hair as she goes out and brings pollen back in....Also had to change my pillow cases as I was itching my nose all night long..and realized it was my hair that was full of pollen from being out all day!.....

Hurry February!...dunno what type of pollen will come with it tho'.
sore, hands very stiff barely able to squeeze into fists, arms itchy, it woke me up at 5:30am, after an early sleep at 10:30 (knocked off stumping at 9pm)...also that last week I shifted 400kgs of rocks (400kgs of rocks per days) for 3 days and then now pulling out (and last night) tree stumps...fuck, im sore...but no other time to do it...funny my back is usually weak, now, im strong, i suppose im just careful...from experience - got 10 more to pulled, nasty right next to fences it's a real bitch of a job...6 different tools, and need a chainsaw...maybe a stump grinder to come over...trying to do as much as I can myself to save $$$...
i just drunk half bottle of wine with bar of chochlate...very bad combination so now i feel sick and off to bed and wait for hangover...age dont always give you wisdom,this classic example
Tired and achy but in a good way. Deacon & I went to a please downtown called City Place and met some people. It's his first foray into congested public areas.
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Feeling more positive , changes need to be made in my life and find a new home.
I am feeling like I more and more energy these days. My leg still gets very tired, but with all the walking I am doing, I feel great!! 3-5 miles a day walking these days.
I am feeling like I more and more energy these days. My leg still gets very tired, but with all the walking I am doing, I feel great!! 3-5 miles a day walking these days.

I am happy to read this ....yay for u!

I just iced my knee again and it is feeling good now. I hope it will feel well enough for my 2.5 mile dam with my rommate and coworker tmw after work. I CaNT give up exercise!!!!!!! I gave up Zumba..:(
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shel90 said:
I am feeling like I more and more energy these days. My leg still gets very tired, but with all the walking I am doing, I feel great!! 3-5 miles a day walking these days.

I am happy to read this ....yay for u!

I just iced my knee again and it is feeling good now. I hope it will feel well enough for my 2.5 mile dam with my rommate and coworker tmw after work. I CaNT give up exercise!!!!!!! I gave up Zumba..:(

Awww shel90 they got Zumba on the chair never tried it myself. It looks like fun!
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