May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your household. I brought you goodnews to help you over worldly challenges mentally, physically, healthily,emotionally, marriage, whatsoever.Do not give up with life and do not say I am okay with the way I am in a disabled nature, do not accept defeat from the devil, do not blame your parents and God for the uneasy situation you may have found yourself over the years. Experience a new life and live a normal life you desired. I am Evangelist Moss Frank, a survivor of kidney cancer after the prophet's encounter in April 2011. I got healed from a kidney cancer of 4yrs. Isn't this amazing & miraculous? my quest to have a new life led me to found a man of God who heals people combining spiritual power with alternative therapy. It is a long story but I want to let you know that your case is not so difficult for God to handle. My doctors conducted several test on me and were amazed at my healing and therefore advised that I invite the source of my healing to the United States but the prophet who specializes in healing different sickness & diseases with alternative therapy combine with spiritual healing refuses to arrive US. due to his spiritual nature and abstinence to mix-up with ordinary people. The Prophet who now approach his 114yrs combines spiritualism with alternative therapy to undo people's problems. The man also said there is alternative therapy to live above 100yrs still strong and healthy with sensory functioning. Please be informed "Information is power" This is what we lack here in the US. Myself,knowing what people suffered from different disabilities will do everything possible to reach out as a survivor through spiritual & alternative therapy.
God is looking for serious case to handle to prove His Majesty Power. You are at your turning point. He has never forsook you. He needs you, He loves you and He care about you. He is gracious to all and His mercy stands forever. Please help yourself, do not limit yourself from chances found on your way to victory? I do not know what needs you may have or what area you expects your miracle but my advise for you is to take a step of faith by sending your prayer request now for intercessory prayers, which includes your names, and your postal address, I assure you, you will be happy you did. 40days and 40night fasting & prayers is not a joke that the prophet involve himself yearly to undo people's problems. God's power is real and in the hands of the very few who practice through religion as it were in the days of Ibraham, Isaac and Jacob. Healing as they said is beyond something ordinary. It is highly spiritual and divine in nature.
Read and memorize below bible verses.
Luke 11:9,Matthew 7:7,James 1:5,Matthew 7,Matthew 6:33,Matthew 7:9,Luke 11:11,Acts 4:12,John 3:3
Evangelist Moss Frank
World Outreach.