How are you feeling today?....

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I woke up feeling like I have been hit by a truck. Dystonia at it's ugliness. Hubby said the muscle knots are the worst he has seen on me. I was lucky though and he gave me a nice massage. Probably a good idea I don't like alcohol, otherwise I just might have a few glasses of wine to relax.
I'm sorry. That's no fun, for sure. :(
It looks like that is what happen , I am sorry to hear you are so sick, I was hoping your fever would not go up at night. For some reason mine does too.
I was in hospital to get some x-rays and I had to sign a paper and I used one the pen that everyone uses and I thought on crap ! I never do that I always use my own pen , I used some hands sanitizer right away. I hate going to hospitals as you never know what you'll pick up.
I had to sign in at the clinic with a kiosk touch screen. I used hand sanitizer after but maybe it wasn't enough, or the other patients sneezed on me. :dunno:
I don't know what your VA system is or rx..sound like virus reba take it easy raking garden not daughter home with virus coughing..she had pulmonary embolism this year and now chesty again..husband talk to emergency doctor he said rest(the bleeding obvious)I want her on anti biotics
I'm afraid I got worse last night.

My temp ranges from 97 to 103.

My bp ranges from 99/58 to 145/78.

My pulse ranges from 98 to 109.

I had really bad diarrhea last night, all night, and nausea.

I shiver and shake, and my nose runs. Once in a while I sneeze. I'm very weak. My back and neck hurt. :(

I suspect I caught something at the VA hospital Wednesday. While we were waiting in the waiting room, which was packed and jammed, people were coughing. One lady had a mask, one person went into seizures, and another had to taken away on a gurney. That's the only time I was near sick people this week.

Thursday I was fine. I was raking leaves, stacking wood, do lots of activity. But Friday afternoon I was sick.

I don't know what your VA system is or rx..sound like virus reba take it easy raking garden not daughter home with virus coughing..she had pulmonary embolism this year and now chesty again..husband talk to emergency doctor he said rest(the bleeding obvious)I want her on anti biotics

No you don't if it is a virus! Antibiotics do not work on a virus. They are for a bacterial infections. I am not in one of the medical professions but here in the US it shows up in interviews with doctors on TV over and over again.
I had to sign in at the clinic with a kiosk touch screen. I used hand sanitizer after but maybe it wasn't enough, or the other patients sneezed on me. :dunno:

Yeah , we can really never tell where we pick up a cold from. How are you feeling now has your fever gone down more?
I don't know what your VA system is or rx..sound like virus reba take it easy raking garden not daughter home with virus coughing..she had pulmonary embolism this year and now chesty again..husband talk to emergency doctor he said rest(the bleeding obvious)I want her on anti biotics
I wasn't sick Thursday when I was doing yard work. I didn't feel bad until after lunch Friday. I'm resting now.
Sorry to hear about this Reba....I'm doing good today for change....hoping to finish up these IV's by Oct. 30th if my blood work remains good... Sick & tired of this PicLine in my arm and it hurts daily....
Sorry to hear about this Reba....I'm doing good today for change....hoping to finish up these IV's by Oct. 30th if my blood work remains good... Sick & tired of this PicLine in my arm and it hurts daily....
Hope you don't have too much longer to heal.
Headache, backache, neck ache. Feel like I have a hangover (I don't). Nightmares have been getting more frequent, the one last night was awful.

Stressed out and I have crap to do today.
How am I feeling? For some odd reason, perky and full of energy, and I have no idea why.
Ear pain today...also pain from the PicLine...(blood in the tubes)...ENT asked me Thursday if I needed any pain meds and I said "No"...(as I hate taking pills)...but on Friday...jeez!...wish I had of said "Yes"!...all in's OK...I can deal with it since I'm highly tolerant to pain.
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