How are you feeling today?....

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I'm frustrated. My mother has chronic pain and as of yesterday, she's taking to sleeping on the floor with her legs up. My father doesn't think that's a good idea to stay like that all night but she's in a foul mood. Adding to that, my newest cat, Gracie attacks all of us (she's a kitten) and my mother is talking about getting her declawed. We did that with all our cats - our Vet in fact has done that with all of hers too. These days, I'm not behind it. I know she's cutting me alive and I can't hold her or cuddle like I did with my other cats but I don't want to do that to Gracie. I don't believe in the procedure anymore...and her being young, I know it's a phase she'll outgrow. I'm sure my mother is speaking from pain and a lack of sleep but it upsets me to have her take it out on us. Unfortunately, out of consideration for my father, I have to bite my tongue....

I am sorry to hear your mother it's chronic pain ,but I sure hope your cat will get declawed b/c that is very to cats and so cruel .
We just got the bad news....*sigh* friend's son was found dead from an overdose by his mother....She said...."Everyone is on God's Time...but my son was always on Drugs Time"....He lived with her and she suffered heavily due to his drug addiction, but she was too religious to make him leave.....Anyhow, she's taking it quite well...right now, that is....but know she is going to break down very hard very soon.

s h i t , thats awful

as per addiction im kicking mine....alcohol...

i do love my whisky and wine too truly but im making a tough choice for the better...
im feeling well on my way to be better from the rough cold and hard coughs....nose is clearing very good glad i looked after myself hard in last two days flu/cold went straight in bashed my lungs and my nose now battered but clear no coughing since 3 hours ago... sigh what a relief oh opened all windows/doors/ranch slider... for a hour did a lot of good too rid house air of bugs....
i feel so hung over this morning! ugh! but at least i had fun last night
Annoyed... A guy i made a fish tank for is pissed off cuz the tank broke but i never said that if his kid hit the tank with a bat it wouldnt break... He is not gettig his money back
Annoyed... A guy i made a fish tank for is pissed off cuz the tank broke but i never said that if his kid hit the tank with a bat it wouldnt break... He is not gettig his money back

Wow ! That guy sound like a real winner. I hope he will leave you alone .
Wow ! That guy sound like a real winner. I hope he will leave you alone .

If he had been nice i would have repaired it for free. Im just waiting for him to realize there is no one else around that knows how to make the repairs. The closest one is two hours away...
OUCH...did not feel good going out in the hot weather with a sunburn. Tomorrow it's going to be 105º and I will be staying inside with the AC on.
have bad pain in knee arthritis I want injection but doctor not keen so miserable,no carry on like this
feeling very high levels of nervous about my interview today. This is the job of my dreams and I hope to get it.
feeling very high levels of nervous about my interview today. This is the job of my dreams and I hope to get it.

good luck
take deep breath be confident,if it possible try get some Dr Bach rescue remedy help anxiety
I'm frustrated. My mother has chronic pain and as of yesterday, she's taking to sleeping on the floor with her legs up. My father doesn't think that's a good idea to stay like that all night but she's in a foul mood. Adding to that, my newest cat, Gracie attacks all of us (she's a kitten) and my mother is talking about getting her declawed. We did that with all our cats - our Vet in fact has done that with all of hers too. These days, I'm not behind it. I know she's cutting me alive and I can't hold her or cuddle like I did with my other cats but I don't want to do that to Gracie. I don't believe in the procedure anymore...and her being young, I know it's a phase she'll outgrow. I'm sure my mother is speaking from pain and a lack of sleep but it upsets me to have her take it out on us. Unfortunately, out of consideration for my father, I have to bite my tongue....

declaw awful and cruel
Super tired - I did not sleep a wink last night. Allergy and pollen is at an all-time high here.
good luck
take deep breath be confident,if it possible try get some Dr Bach rescue remedy help anxiety

If the OP never use Dr. Bach rescue remedy before it would not be wise to use it before a job interview . They could get a bad reaction to it, just b/c something is natural it does not mean it's safe for everyone. They would better off getting a good night sleep and try not to worry about their interview all night .
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