How are you feeling today?....

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I am feeling tired and it's Monday.
Half dozen one way or the other... :dizzy: Feeling good and like an idiot both. :| Feel good my docs supported me through prompt emails about quitting the new Rx that was scary and risky with side effects. And getting suggestions for dietary/supplemental support to avoid Rx side effects of yet another drug. Also maybe feeling stupid because I cancelled appt. to have CaptionCall phone installed this week. Researched/googled/emailed. And most people's feedback was negative. So I decided why bother, right? Now some people have decided to post/email after I made my decision, that oh, it's just so wonderful, after all. Grrrr! :twisted:
frustrated.. I'm tired of going to courts with the child's father.. it will never end yet! I can't wait for it to be OVER! other than that I'm doing good.
Better since seeing the Doc....awaiting on my antibotics to be filled at Walgreens...and then off to Happy Land I will go, along with some energy (I hope)...
Better today! Sun is coming out!! Hallejeuah! Capture that warm sprinkles of sunshine on me....ahhhh.....

What the...?

Durn clouds!

Actually, today is turning out really nice.
Am wondering if I'm coming down with a cold. :(
frustrated.. I'm tired of going to courts with the child's father.. it will never end yet! I can't wait for it to be OVER! other than that I'm doing good.

I know how stressful this can be. We will be going to court soon to get full custody of my niece, she will come live with us. She is turning 16 and the courts will have to listen to her side :)
Today has been a weird day for me. Was extremely frustrated this morning. I overslept, and the coffee pot wasn't working. Got better with all my running, but ended up with a headache due to no caffeine. Am now having my coffee, but earlier I had to go out to get MIL some dinner. She is sick and can't cook.
Feeling good today!....New antibotics are doing their I'm gonna go on a cleaning freezy...not too much to do tho'....and eat out for Lunch.

the black kitty stares in the air.... words: Dramatic Cat is Dramatic
Was feeling relaxed, but am now madder than a hornet. MIL got into my closet getting her ironing board and managed to pull the cable from her roof antenna loose and I tripped on it putting hubby's uniforms into the closet. I fell into the vacuum cleaner, twisted my leg and wrenched my neck. Needless to say, I am not feeling nice to MIL right now.
Was feeling relaxed, but am now madder than a hornet. MIL got into my closet getting her ironing board and managed to pull the cable from her roof antenna loose and I tripped on it putting hubby's uniforms into the closet. I fell into the vacuum cleaner, twisted my leg and wrenched my neck. Needless to say, I am not feeling nice to MIL right now.


A gentle :hug: - don't want to hurt you.
Had those days, Kristina...and I just went back to bed....:giggle:
Feeling pretty positive right now. :) Of course, that could change. Ya never know... :D
Was feeling relaxed, but am now madder than a hornet. MIL got into my closet getting her ironing board and managed to pull the cable from her roof antenna loose and I tripped on it putting hubby's uniforms into the closet. I fell into the vacuum cleaner, twisted my leg and wrenched my neck. Needless to say, I am not feeling nice to MIL right now.

ACK! How aggravating! Grrrrrr! :eek3: Take care!
Feeling chipper!...good night's sleep, musical tennitis wasn't too bothersome and feel asleep pretty quickly.....

My Roses are in full bloom, and something really warmned my heart this AM...let my doggie out for her early morning "pee-pee"...she came back...and was smelling all the roses in the flower garden....(no chance another dog pee-peed on them do you think?....grrrr)
Felt exhausted and sickish yesterday, like I was coming down with something, or ate something that wrecked my system. :dizzy: Maybe too much sodium in the Chinese food we had to celebrate DD's (daughter's) BD Wed. night. We've had their food for years, and I've never had a reaction, so I :dunno: what to think. But felt lousy, achy, exhausted like I was trying to walk through thick mud... Today I feel more like myself. Hope it continues! :)
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