Kind of up and down. While I am very happy we got good news from the surveyor, I am feeling lousy. Food is beginning to not settle well for me again. Also, we got confirmation from the vet, Tinkerbell has the beginnings of arthritis in her right rear leg. She cannot have anything for it though. The vets office knew she had it, but the previous owner did not tell us. Tinker has been resting a lot and moves when she really needs to. She no longer plays with paper balls.
Sorry your feeling bad. I feel the same. I don't know how much longer I can fight these health issues. One step forward, two steps back. I can't lift my head off the pillow without severe pain and puking. Might still be brain issues since I feel the same as I did when I got sick:-( Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!!!
OMC, it is the Winter Blue that is causing every one of us feeling blue because of the weather. I have tried to ignore the blue in me, too. Every time I look out the kitchen window, I see my favorite birds eating their seeds from their feeders. Also the squirrel had been trying to chase woodpeckers and other birds so that he can have the whole tree to itself. The squirrel is a pest but my husband love that animal so he gave the squirrel peanuts and other nuts on the ground. :roll:
Sorry that you all feel so bad. I just wish for a PAIN FREE day every so often so I can handle it all better. Just seems like there is no end in sight. Thanks for letting me vent. I hope all of you have a better tomorrow.