How are you feeling today?....

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Wirelessly posted

I hope you get well soon!

Thanks, meeeeeee too... It does definitely cause weight loss... Suppose my body is just used to all the sugary goodness I miss so much. :(
So exhausted from working this past week with little time to focus on school. *sigh*
I am feeling a little sick... Stupid low carb diet... It's working though! Sick feeling is supposed to go away in a few days... god I hope so... :(

that's withdrawal, it could take a while, months even...
that's withdrawal, it could take a while, months even...

OH GOD Don't tell me that!!! I am sticking to it though! I have heard many people talking about how well it works. I suppose I've heard people complaining too... but I figure, our ancestors lived on meat and veggies, why should I not be able to survive on natural products versus man made processed crap? :D
I have been in severe pain the past two days. I couldn't sleep at all. I had a filling break. I finally fell asleep about 2 yesterday afternoon.

Guys, it was serious pain ... felt like I was being tortured and I lost my mind. On a scale of 1-10 I was at about 25 - nothing helped. I then discovered that ice cold water numbed it and helped it just a little bit. I think the nerve swelled up and the ice cold water stopped the swelling.

I feel better now though and when I recover somewhat, off to the dentist I go. (no one should have to go through that).
I have been in severe pain the past two days. I couldn't sleep at all. I had a filling break. I finally fell asleep about 2 yesterday afternoon.

Guys, it was serious pain ... felt like I was being tortured and I lost my mind. On a scale of 1-10 I was at about 25 - nothing helped. I then discovered that ice cold water numbed it and helped it just a little bit. I think the nerve swelled up and the ice cold water stopped the swelling.

I feel better now though and when I recover somewhat, off to the dentist I go. (no one should have to go through that).

God, tooth pain is probably the absolute worst pain I know of! I'd almost sacrifice a finger over tooth pain! :tears: I hope you feel better, that shiz is nothing to deal with!
God, tooth pain is probably the absolute worst pain I know of! I'd almost sacrifice a finger over tooth pain! :tears: I hope you feel better, that shiz is nothing to deal with!
tooths much closer to the brain, travel times for nervous system messaging is almost instantaneous!!
Blah. Have a cold. Isn't too bad, but ehh. Better now than 2 or 3 weeks from now, though.
I am feeling a little sick... Stupid low carb diet... It's working though! Sick feeling is supposed to go away in a few days... god I hope so... :(

not good thing low carb diet why dont you have normal diet with less that make you feel ill very bad.

showing someone how to twerk lastnight it hurt my back taking painkillers all day
Even after 7 hours of sleep....I'm still so drowsy...blaming it on the overcast weather...82 degrees...and got so much to do!...Thinking a cold, cold shower will wake me up...if not, then it's sleepy time again...(my doggie has already passed out)
Frustrated with the mail order pharmacy that fills a prescription of mine. We have been trying for over a month to get it filled correctly. Talk about incompetent people. Hubby has been making all the calls since they hang up on me with relay. I don't know how these "pharmacists" keep their jobs?????
Frustrated with the mail order pharmacy that fills a prescription of mine. We have been trying for over a month to get it filled correctly. Talk about incompetent people. Hubby has been making all the calls since they hang up on me with relay. I don't know how these "pharmacists" keep their jobs?????
I signed up with our pharmacy's prescription plan to save money because I did not want to use my plan's mail order pharmacy. I have a maintenance drug that uses the pharmacy plan. One time only prescriptions usually use the insurance plan.
I signed up with our pharmacy's prescription plan to save money because I did not want to use my plan's mail order pharmacy. I have a maintenance drug that uses the pharmacy plan. One time only prescriptions usually use the insurance plan.

This is an injectable, which has to be filled with this mail order pharmacy. I have been on this med for almost ten years. It use to be Cura Script, but has now changed to Acretia and these people have no clue what they are doing. My hubby has probably spent ten or more hours on the phone. Every time he calls they put him on hold forever. It frustrates the heck out of me because it is not that difficult.
So exhausted from working this past week with little time to focus on school. *sigh*

What are you going to school for?

I feel better now though and when I recover somewhat, off to the dentist I go. (no one should have to go through that).

I shudder at the thought if there were no dentists! But this is part of life as we all suffer in the flesh.

As for me, I am tired, but having the feeling I am being productive.
I feeling modify tough anxiety normal

this sounds like you got your medicine sorted....stay on this on for while longer, seems like you are finally able to relax and control it...

trick is travis, you have to learn how to relax in intense situation
by 'reframing'
reframing is like make situation/feeling with different name, so if really bad, make yourself believe not that bad, and keep thinking it...
the keep thinking it makes YOUR own willpower stronger to relax...

i learnt this when young when i used to race motocross, and if riding stiff and intense you will crash, if relaxed and loose (not too loose you still need to hold bike firm in legs and arms), strange but relax and firm quite tricky

tricky to do!

but you can learn how, only way to learn how
you're doing well
Hack hack sniffle sniffle

Sorry. No one at home to moan & groan to. :lol:
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