How are you feeling today?....

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Gross :(

Grapes give me the creeps. I love them but I'm always afraid to eat them. I pick them over and only get the totally firm ones. I also will only eat them if they are no longer on the stem. When I was a teenager I was eating grapes out of the bag and watching tv. I got down to the stem on one branch and noticed there were little tiny dead spiders and cobwebs in the stems. Nope...

Wirelessly posted

I need coffee
Sad for a long distance friend. She's had some bad luck recently & today she got some discouraging health news. Though we met online, I have met her in person a few times. I was able to find her address online so I went to Build-a-Bear to make a bear for her to hug or hit or whatever she feels like. I will get a card tonight or tomorrow then go to UPS to send it to her.
Pretty sick today. Feel like I'm burning up and the electronic thermometer shows my temp as 91.8 so dunno what it really is. Hoping NyQuil kicks in soon.
Pretty sick today. Feel like I'm burning up and the electronic thermometer shows my temp as 91.8 so dunno what it really is. Hoping NyQuil kicks in soon.

Think you should see a doctor? :(
crazy driver. I knew chaos feeling. it is happened. neurologist will find out dizzy. serious very again. caregiving had professor. that is why scared for me I am loss imbalance to me scary whoa. almost to 1 weeks increase it awful! on Neurologist on September 24th
Gross :(

Grapes give me the creeps. I love them but I'm always afraid to eat them. I pick them over and only get the totally firm ones. I also will only eat them if they are no longer on the stem. When I was a teenager I was eating grapes out of the bag and watching tv. I got down to the stem on one branch and noticed there were little tiny dead spiders and cobwebs in the stems. Nope...

:shock: OMG SPIDERS NOOOOOOOOO!!! *religiously checks grapes from this point on*

I bought some hamburger buns once from Walmart and when I got them home happened to flip them upside down and saw a bunch of dead bugs that were stuck to the bottom of the buns... Ever since that day, I religiously inspect my buns every time I buy them... Plus, I don't really grocery shop at Walmart anymore... Lesson learned... lesson learned...
Wirelessly posted

Feeling hopeful, applied for a second job p/t :)
The AC isn't work because fan motor is broken so will fix it today or tomorrow.

It was damn hot in my room.
Wirelessly posted

Feeling achy and pain to get up , being a woman is not always easy!
Sad for a long distance friend. She's had some bad luck recently & today she got some discouraging health news. Though we met online, I have met her in person a few times. I was able to find her address online so I went to Build-a-Bear to make a bear for her to hug or hit or whatever she feels like. I will get a card tonight or tomorrow then go to UPS to send it to her.

She got the bear today and was so estatic. Said it's the nicest thing anyone has done for her in a long time. She said she was speechless.

I'm glad I was able to cheer her up, even long distance.

I had my daughter give the near a name that my friend would associate with Whole Food's, where both of them like to shop. My daughter named it Quinoa. My friend said she loves Quinoa, so that ended up being the perfect name.
Wirelessly posted

Overwhelmed and God giving me the strength to do the things I need to do.
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