How are you feeling today? Part II

Seeing the doc this week if I can get an appt. ...having my blood sugar checked...for so long I've been healthy except for my ears...thinking time has caught up a little but tho;...feeling tired and listless lately.

I'm having blood work and seeing my doctor on Friday. I'm feeling the same way as you are. No energy, not eating and of course....not sleeping.

Hope you feel better soon RR.
Feeling like a fool.....took a nasty fall on our walk tonight. Hurt my left ankle, right knee and right elbow. Hoping it's just a bad sprain. Wrapped my ankle and icing everywhere. Luckily my hubby was with me. Thankfully, all the medical supplies I have accquired over the years comes in very handy. I got a little dizzy then down I went. I'm sure tomorrow I will be really feeling it.
Feeling like a fool.....took a nasty fall on our walk tonight. Hurt my left ankle, right knee and right elbow. Hoping it's just a bad sprain. Wrapped my ankle and icing everywhere. Luckily my hubby was with me. Thankfully, all the medical supplies I have accquired over the years comes in very handy. I got a little dizzy then down I went. I'm sure tomorrow I will be really feeling it.
I hope it's no worse than that, and that you heal up soon.
I hope it's no worse than that, and that you heal up soon.

Thank you Reba.........
I hate hate hate going to the ER. If it does not feel better tomorrow or gets worse I will go get an xray. My balance is getting horrible.
Feeling like a fool.....took a nasty fall on our walk tonight. Hurt my left ankle, right knee and right elbow. Hoping it's just a bad sprain. Wrapped my ankle and icing everywhere. Luckily my hubby was with me. Thankfully, all the medical supplies I have accquired over the years comes in very handy. I got a little dizzy then down I went. I'm sure tomorrow I will be really feeling it.

I hope you feel better soon[emoji175]
ouch! Hopefully rest tonight will ease the pain. If not the ER maybe urgent care?

I hope you feel better soon, not much fun feeling ill/hurt...:(
ouch! Hopefully rest tonight will ease the pain. If not the ER maybe urgent care?

I hope you feel better soon, not much fun feeling ill/hurt...:(

Thanks....luckily I still have my walker from when I broke my leg. Upsets me because I can't go on my long walks for awhile. Oh well, could be worse.
Thanks....luckily I still have my walker from when I broke my leg. Upsets me because I can't go on my long walks for awhile. Oh well, could be worse.

Sorry about the nasty fall, Angel....I also took a fall about a month ago, as I was carrying my doggie "to bed"....(she's spoiled and expects it every night)....:giggle:...I fell to the left and my shoulder hit the wall...but still hung on to my doggie...didn't think too much of's been painful and the swelling....thiking I might have damaged the rotor cuff...(and I was not boxing Floyd Mayweather)..:lol:...finally called the doc and see her Thursday...she's gonna chew me out....
The roses gathered and tried to defeat me... It was a long drawn out battle ... After several hours I am able to wipe the sweat from my brow....victorious. :D
My shoulder was xrayed the other day....after I fell to my left and slammed my shoulder into the wall....worried (the doc too) I'll have a "frozen shoulder" rehab is looming for me too....Seems I waited too long to see the doctor...:hmm:...thinking it would get better on it's own....Ice packs for the swelling and antibotics for the pain...
My shoulder was xrayed the other day....after I fell to my left and slammed my shoulder into the wall....worried (the doc too) I'll have a "frozen shoulder" rehab is looming for me too....Seems I waited too long to see the doctor...:hmm:...thinking it would get better on it's own....Ice packs for the swelling and antibotics for the pain...
Not good. :(
I had a frozen shoulder a few years ago. Got steroid shot then PT.
When my other shoulder felt like it might be getting it, I started home PT and did not need to go to the doctor.
The good news is that frozen shoulders only happen once, from what I've read.
I had a frozen shoulder a few years ago. Got steroid shot then PT.
When my other shoulder felt like it might be getting it, I started home PT and did not need to go to the doctor.
The good news is that frozen shoulders only happen once, from what I've read.

My shoulder was xrayed the other day....after I fell to my left and slammed my shoulder into the wall....worried (the doc too) I'll have a "frozen shoulder" rehab is looming for me too....Seems I waited too long to see the doctor...:hmm:...thinking it would get better on it's own....Ice packs for the swelling and antibotics for the pain...

Sounds very painful RR. Hope you feel better soon.
Was feeling blah all day. Came home and took my temp. Yep, have a fever. Just taking it easy tonight.
Was feeling blah all day. Came home and took my temp. Yep, have a fever. Just taking it easy tonight.

Must be going around the country. I woke up with a sore throat, and am now achy and sneezing.

I hate summer colds.
Must be going around the country. I woke up with a sore throat, and am now achy and sneezing.

I hate summer colds.

I'm not sure what I've got. On ear was intermittently hurting this morning, but the decongestant seemed to take care of that. Tonight I'm a little stuffy, so maybe it is a cold. But I had other mild symptoms throughout the day (lower GI & an achy leg).
I might be getting better - starting to get hungry. ;) I should have known I was sick seeing that I didn't snack today. :D

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