Wow, many are affected. Macian, dont feel guilty that you are doing well when many are not. I wouldnt wish for anyone to suffer. My husband just finished 2 job interviews and will have one more. If he gets any of those jobs, it will be a 20K increase in his salary so I had mixed feelings that day I found out about my dad. It was the day that my hubby had one of his interviews...I was happy and excited for him but then I got the news about my dad so it was like a huge roller coaster drop. If my hubby gets one of the jobs, I probably will feel a little guilty for doing better than so many of my friends.
My friend told me yesterday that her friend's heater is not working and they cant afford to fix it. They have 3 children and they live in PA. I asked her what are they going to do. She said she doesnt know but they have been freezing inside their home for the past two weeks.
My heat system replace cost $6,000 dollars. I can't afford it. Had to buy parts to fix some of the heat system.