hospital stay


New Member
Mar 4, 2014
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My baby is due August 12th. I find out on March 17 th if I'm having a girl or a boy. I expect I will have an interpreter with me at delivery, but I've never been in the hospital for very long before (longest was over night for my first CI surgery). My OBGYN says she thinks I will need to be in the hospital for at last 3 or 4 days because of possible complications due to my age. So a few questions... 1. When I'm in the hospital should I expect an interpreter there the whole time? 2. If you are a deaf parent what things helped you the most with an infant?
I'd suggest touring the hospital where you'll be delivering at - and talk to the staff in advance about what your needs will be and how to effectively communicate. That way you'll have a better idea what to ask for in terms of accommodations etc.
I'd suggest touring the hospital where you'll be delivering at - and talk to the staff in advance about what your needs will be and how to effectively communicate. That way you'll have a better idea what to ask for in terms of accommodations etc.

Thanks I will be touring the hospital in a few months when it comes closer... I just don't know what is appropriate to ask for. I have interpreters for all of my doctors appointments but I don't know if a hospital stay will be any different communication wise.
The hospital will be more important to have an interpreter I think because a lot of things go on before, during and after labor. That's a lot of information to take in and ask for. If you don't understand something, always ask. If you can't talk well enough to be understood then you definitely need an interpreter. If your mom is going to be there with you then maybe she can help you on that part instead. Father (hearing) of the baby was there with me so I didn't have an interpreter.

<-- I am deaf and I have 2 teenagers.
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Thanks I will be touring the hospital in a few months when it comes closer... I just don't know what is appropriate to ask for. I have interpreters for all of my doctors appointments but I don't know if a hospital stay will be any different communication wise.

Will you be having anyone in the delivery room beside the DR. and nurses ? My DR. had to take his face mask so I could understand when I was having my baby. I as 27 yo when I had my baby no way would I had wanted one when I was 14 yo.
Will you be having anyone in the delivery room beside the DR. and nurses ? My DR. had to take his face mask so I could understand when I was having my baby. I as 27 yo when I had my baby no way would I had wanted one when I was 14 yo.

Yes, my mom will be in the delivery room with me. I told her she had to be and she said she wouldn't it any otherway. I'm scared, but I have faith. Mary was young when she had jesus.
My baby is due August 12th. I find out on March 17 th if I'm having a girl or a boy. I expect I will have an interpreter with me at delivery, but I've never been in the hospital for very long before (longest was over night for my first CI surgery). My OBGYN says she thinks I will need to be in the hospital for at last 3 or 4 days because of possible complications due to my age. So a few questions... 1. When I'm in the hospital should I expect an interpreter there the whole time? 2. If you are a deaf parent what things helped you the most with an infant?

Anji has some excellent suggestions. I'd also suggest you to talk to your obgyn to make sure that you'd need an interpreter for the duration of your labor, delivery and post-delivery. Also you'd need an terp for whenever the doctor is scheduled to make a check up visit while you're in the hospital.

Secondly, as a Deaf mother of 2 deaf sons - the baby cry alert transmitter system was a big help. You'd need that mostly for the first 2 years.
In the DC area, we used the Baby Watch program of SLA. We used them with my kids at the hospital. SLA merged with Purlple years ago and it was a fiasco.
Anyway, get the names of 2-3 female sign language interpreters. If I'm sexist, then tough. Ask the patient relations person or the social worker for the hospital to pay the terp bill.

2. baby cry alert. (where you live?)
At the very least you should have an interpreter for the doctor's rounds with you.
In the DC area, we used the Baby Watch program of SLA. We used them with my kids at the hospital. SLA merged with Purlple years ago and it was a fiasco.
Anyway, get the names of 2-3 female sign language interpreters. If I'm sexist, then tough. Ask the patient relations person or the social worker for the hospital to pay the terp bill.

2. baby cry alert. (where you live?)

I live in the phoenix valley. What is the baby watch program?
Thanks I will be touring the hospital in a few months when it comes closer... I just don't know what is appropriate to ask for. I have interpreters for all of my doctors appointments but I don't know if a hospital stay will be any different communication wise.

I'd suggest sooner, rather than later (as in it might not hurt to do it in the next few months). While we always hope that babies arrive at full/near term ... there's also the chance that you might have to go in early - knowing that you've already done a "Deaf friendliness/ communication check" will ease your mind in case something unexpected happens.
I'd suggest sooner, rather than later (as in it might not hurt to do it in the next few months). While we always hope that babies arrive at full/near term ... there's also the chance that you might have to go in early - knowing that you've already done a "Deaf friendliness/ communication check" will ease your mind in case something unexpected happens.

I see my OBGYN on the 17th and I'll ask her what she suggests
My baby is due August 12th. I find out on March 17 th if I'm having a girl or a boy. I expect I will have an interpreter with me at delivery, but I've never been in the hospital for very long before (longest was over night for my first CI surgery). My OBGYN says she thinks I will need to be in the hospital for at last 3 or 4 days because of possible complications due to my age. So a few questions... 1. When I'm in the hospital should I expect an interpreter there the whole time? 2. If you are a deaf parent what things helped you the most with an infant?

Have the doctors discuss with you about the natural delivery or what? since they mentioned to you that it may be compliment due to your age.

I hope you ll have a sweet interpreter. Well For me, We know our interpreter pretty well. She stayed with me for about 3o hours in a row and the next day she took a break then came back again for a few hours. At least two days, after that interpreters will come for a few hours during day when i had baby.

Important for you, if you feel like you want to sleep, tell interpreter that she can go on her break in front or sit in the corner whatever you prefer. DONT STAY UP for the interpreters sakes. dont dont. You need to focus on your sleeping either before giving birth to a baby or after giving birth to a baby.

I had baby cry signaler device and it works great.
good luck. i m sure you are going to be fine. curious which female or male doctor did you have now?
Have the doctors discuss with you about the natural delivery or what? since they mentioned to you that it may be compliment due to your age.

I hope you ll have a sweet interpreter. Well For me, We know our interpreter pretty well. She stayed with me for about 3o hours in a row and the next day she took a break then came back again for a few hours. At least two days, after that interpreters will come for a few hours during day when i had baby.

Important for you, if you feel like you want to sleep, tell interpreter that she can go on her break in front or sit in the corner whatever you prefer. DONT STAY UP for the interpreters sakes. dont dont. You need to focus on your sleeping either before giving birth to a baby or after giving birth to a baby.

I had baby cry signaler device and it works great.
good luck. i m sure you are going to be fine. curious which female or male doctor did you have now?

I have to go to class now... So I'll respond more after school. But I see Dr. Kelly Dale. Are you in Phx?
Have the doctors discuss with you about the natural delivery or what? since they mentioned to you that it may be compliment due to your age.

I hope you ll have a sweet interpreter. Well For me, We know our interpreter pretty well. She stayed with me for about 3o hours in a row and the next day she took a break then came back again for a few hours. At least two days, after that interpreters will come for a few hours during day when i had baby.

Important for you, if you feel like you want to sleep, tell interpreter that she can go on her break in front or sit in the corner whatever you prefer. DONT STAY UP for the interpreters sakes. dont dont. You need to focus on your sleeping either before giving birth to a baby or after giving birth to a baby.

I had baby cry signaler device and it works great.
good luck. i m sure you are going to be fine. curious which female or male doctor did you have now?

Now how do you know she'll be fine ??? She was already told her baby could be early b/c of her age. All that anyone can do it to hope she will be fine. My mom thought everything was going to be fine when she had me and I was born breech birth . I was her third child.
Now how do you know she'll be fine ??? She was already told her baby could be early b/c of her age. All that anyone can do it to hope she will be fine. My mom thought everything was going to be fine when she had me and I was born breech birth . I was her third child.

I am sorry you feel that way. I do have good faith with her doctors who will do anything possible the best things for her. I had a complicated issue with my pregancy with my kids and they are OK. She is going to be OK.

Indeed, risk everything. But have faith.
I have to go to class now... So I'll respond more after school. But I see Dr. Kelly Dale. Are you in Phx?

Oh no, i am in syracuse new york. :) So it's a female doctor which is good so she knows how you feel etc. maybe i m biased that I had both male and female doctors for my kids. I realize that female doctor is the one I prefer for giving birth to baby. HA
Oh no, i am in syracuse new york. :) So it's a female doctor which is good so she knows how you feel etc. maybe i m biased that I had both male and female doctors for my kids. I realize that female doctor is the one I prefer for giving birth to baby. HA

Well actually "Kelly" can be either a guy's name or a girl's name, so we still don't know if her Dr. is a man or woman.
See post 12. It is a woman.

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