horoscope, what are you?

Mmmm.... not 1 stand out to me that are more than others. So far just about even. :D
Yeah mine is an eGoManIc LiBra. :D i have neither a confuse nor doubt. Couple capable is Leo and Sagi By Librains. but actually i date different women are Capricorn the MOST! it is a damn weird. is Horoscope helping answer and match your couple lover??
nah nah it's the aries people who r wild in bed
jus ask certain people around here...

:buttsex: :69: :twisted: :laugh2: :smoking:

<\=- fierce & proud aries
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javapride said:
im a libra still haven t found my lucky horscope matchmaker :)


I'm also a libra, born in mid Oct, and I don't have a clue who my astrological match is. If I had to guess, I'd say a capricorn, or maybe an aquarius? Also, another Libra, maybe?

But, I really have no idea. :dunno:
Oh no, not Capricorn...

you suppose to be with

LIBRA sextile and trine with Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo, and Gemini.

Capricorn suppose to be with... Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio, and Virgo.

but Horoscope said Capricorn suppose to be with Taurus and Virgo.
and Pisces and Scorpio are weak relationship.

Libra suppose to be with Aquarius and Gemini.