Hi Rabbit, I am surprised you live near Northampton, MA, That really is more of a lesbian town. I remember going to Northampton about 10 -15 years ago and they had some of the best pizza next door to a theatre but at that time it was Halloween so I think it was more of a museum in a theatre or something and that pizza shop was so small when I walked in to order some pizza and they truly are the world best pizza because they have everything, chicken pizza, vegetable pizza, I mean everything and you could see the pizza under the window on nicely placed racks. You could order by the slice or a whole pizza. It was mostly pick-up pizza because there really wasn't any place else to sit. I think they had only about 4 to 6 tables. That was it. That really was a very good place to eat pizza. I never have had pizza that so good ever since. Just wondering what the name of the pizza shop was please, if you know ?
It's called "PINOCCHIO'S PIZZA BY THE SLICE & SUBS", the address is:
122 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060
and phone number:
(413) 586-8275
Yes, That is it. Thank you and if I go on my way to Boston again, I will be sure to stop in for some very good pizza. That is some really good pizza !!!!!![]()
While they are a minority, there's also an issue of excessive pride.That's reason because heterosexual is majority since homosexual is minority, also more minority is offers to pride or event to support them.
While they are a minority, there's also an issue of excessive pride.
If a person was proud to be gay, good. He doesn't need to go around wearing a rainbow shirt with "I'M GAY!" on it and yelling, "WOOT! Gay Power!" That would certainly scare away others.
While they are a minority, there's also an issue of excessive pride.
If a person was proud to be gay, good. He doesn't need to go around wearing a rainbow shirt with "I'M GAY!" on it and yelling, "WOOT! Gay Power!" That would certainly scare away others.
VamPyroX, you might consider examining just why this bothers you so much. On the surface, it seems irrational and petty.
Our nation is chock FULL of people who express personal pride in their everyday lives... whether they're wearing t-shirts proclaiming their support for a particular political candidate (or party), sporting bumper stickers to that effect, putting signs up in their yard (or apartment windows) proclaiming their support... to people with the "Christian fish" symbol or "What Would Jesus Do?" bumper stickers on their vehicles, to anti (and pro) abortion bumper stickers, to "My Child is an Honor Roll student at XYZ High School" bumper stickers, to "I Love My Pet Schnauzer" bumper stickers, to Italian-Americans wearing t-shirts proclaiming "Italians Do It Better", to "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" sweatshirts, etc.
Get the point? While it's QUITE obvious that some foes of the homosexual community in our country (yourself included?) would seem to want to "keep gays in their place" by inhibiting their ability to have pride in who they are, I'm sorry to tell them (and you) that there's such a thing in this country as freedom of speech, which is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment.
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution says that Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of "speech." Note that the document uses the word "speech," although a long succession of court decisions has expanded this concept far beyond ordinary verbal communication. Protected expression now includes such non-verbal expression as wearing a symbol on one's clothing, dance movements, and a silent candlelight vigil.
My question to you is: why is that form of expression any more threatening to you that any of the ones I mentioned above? Why are gays and lesbians any less deserving of that basic human right that is the birthright of every other citizen of this nation?
If the parades bother you, don't watch them. But that's the simple solution. Getting to the root of just WHY it bothers you so much is likely a more difficult journey of self-discovery. Well, take it from someone who knows: self-discovery is oftentimes not easy, but it's worth it.
Get the point? While it's QUITE obvious that some foes of the homosexual community in our country (yourself included?) would seem to want to "keep gays in their place" by inhibiting their ability to have pride in who they are
My question to you is: why is that form of expression any more threatening to you that any of the ones I mentioned above? Why are gays and lesbians any less deserving of that basic human right that is the birthright of every other citizen of this nation?
Hi Rabbit, I am surprised you live near Northampton, MA, That really is more of a lesbian town. I remember going to Northampton about 10 -15 years ago and they had some of the best pizza next door to a theatre but at that time it was Halloween so I think it was more of a museum in a theatre or something and that pizza shop was so small when I walked in to order some pizza and they truly are the world best pizza because they have everything, chicken pizza, vegetable pizza, I mean everything and you could see the pizza under the window on nicely placed racks. You could order by the slice or a whole pizza. It was mostly pick-up pizza because there really wasn't any place else to sit. I think they had only about 4 to 6 tables. That was it. That really was a very good place to eat pizza. I never have had pizza that so good ever since. Just wondering what the name of the pizza shop was please, if you know ?
Firstly, let's not start jumping to conclusions, I didn't create this thread to start fights and if people start insulting and fighting I'm going to have the thread closed so let's try to be friendly here.
IMO, it's not just THIS form of pride that bothers me, I don't really like pride of any kind (I think it's slightly OK if you keep it to yourself and keep it IN CHECK), I'm a firm believer of the saying "Pride goes before a fall".
I think that if people prove their worth they wont have to MAKE others believe it by surrounding them with all kinds of things that tell them they should be accepting of whatever it is.
I have gay symbol of flag and my sig is about gay rights..
that why i annouce i'm gay because.. i want more ppl to realize me instead of ignoring me
because i dont have equal rights as straight's rights!