lmao! the softball team! nearly all of my graduating high school class turned out gay and lesbian/bi.
i'm a faghag, too, with a will & grace relationship type of thing. in high school, i'd hang out and banter insults with my best friend who is "will." he was the one who gave me so much exposure for years, bless his heart. my uncle is happily "married" to a good man in LA, and they built their own house together. they are very welcomed in the family circles especially weddings and other events, but my dad and another uncle are kinda thinking "they are just sick in the mind!" *rolls eyes*
i have no plms with gay and lesbians at all. once, this girl had a crush on me during my freshman year - and we hung out at a rave. she was sooo drunk i was very concerned for her. i took her dancing, and she was sad that i wasn't into girls... but i told her she would be the person i would think of if i ever changed my mind.

the next day she was completely mortified at her behavior, and i told her to think nothing of it! i still would not have liked hurting her if i was just experimenting either. she was too nice a girl for that.
i wasn't too surprised when my good friend came out of the closet last year, but it surprised me that she professed having liked me for months. oooo! man, she was beating on me, when i didn't tell her how involved or open minded i was with the lesbian and gay community (she was closeted, and would blush and yell at me if i ever mentioned lesbian! how could i say anything else? hehe)
kudos to you boys and girls, for being true to yourself! this can be hard in a culture where it's still "in the closet." lmao!! I would like to hear your stories about getting out of the closet, if that is ok.
I think homophobic folks are just afraid they may be gay, too. very insecure people!!