You know Heath; I get the feeling that fundamentally you’re an OK guy. I mean, I’m reasonably sure that you don’t deliberately try to harm other people like a lot of people do. And I respect and admire your desire to raise a strong nuclear family. I also emphatically agree with you that our society is disintegrating at an alarming rate because of the irresponsible behavior of a large segment of its population. I fully believe that we should round up every drug dealer in the United States and throw them into a gigantic concentration camp which is surrounded by a massive high-voltage death fence. But you’re really pissing a lot of people off with your ridiculous interpretations of Judeo-Christian philosophy. If your God truly believes that love between a Caucasian man and an Hispanic woman is inherently sinful, then your God can go fuck himself. Even if He/She/It really exists (which is dubious), why should I or anybody else give a flying fuck about His/Her/Its freakwad bullshit opinions? If your God thinks homosexuals are ‘dogs’, then why does He/She/It permit this behavior to exist? That’s the problem with all religion—it’s so full of self-contradictions and easily refutable statements of fact that any intelligent five-year-old child can see that it can’t possibly be an accurate expression of the truth. There is just absolutely no way to dispute the fact that we evolved from lesser life forms, and that the Earth is NOT 4000 years old! It just can’t be done! I think society would be far better served if we all incorporated Judeo-Christian ethics into our everyday lives and into our relationships with other people, and just discarded all the mystic mumbo-jumbo about an afterlife which just ain’t gonna happen, and all the self-serving persecution of innocent people whose activities harm no one. History clearly records that Jesus wasn’t even trying to start a religion—he was trying to run for political office, stepped on the wrong toes out of sheer stupidity, and got his ass fried for it. In all probability, he was just as much of a con man as Joseph Smith, Katherine Kuhlman, Mary Baker Eddy, or Benny Hinn. Christian ethics themselves are laudable; Christian beliefs are nothing more than the schizophrenic ramblings of socially irresponsible people who are afraid of death.