There is a sign for it...both hands in the '5' handshape and at the top of your chest with the thumbs facing you. Alternating hands, move them by extending them in and out from your chest with the thumbs touching it when extending them in. Hope that was clear?
There is a sign for it...both hands in the '5' handshape and at the top of your chest with the thumbs facing you. Alternating hands, move them by extending them in and out from your chest with the thumbs touching it when extending them in. Hope that was clear?
Hmmm... I am trying to figure out the sign, I couldn't get it make it right
I don't see a video at all... : \
It is a hollywood sign, which when Shel90 posted up a video and i watched it where I understood it, it is easy to get the sign right. have you, no?
No, why did she removed it?
ddint work..lemme try a different way
Shel90 removed it