Seriously anybody that would perch a house on this terrian should not be able to get insurance. That is ridiculous!

Seriously anybody that would perch a house on this terrian should not be able to get insurance. That is ridiculous!
Obviously you havent seen the houses of the Rocky Mountains. That is just a small hill.
I've seen one house literally carved into the side of a mountain near monarch pass in Colorado. So I can see something like that could done on this hill but still I'm not worried. Someone with money cares about that sign and will anonymously donate.
I have. I use to live in the rocky mountains. I know it can be done but it's the nationalized insurance and people that build on the edges of mountains and half way in the water that in part cause our premiums to go up not if, but when they have catastrophes. If you understand how mountains are formed you would understand that it is not really stable ground to be building on. It is risky business.Obviously you havent seen the houses of the Rocky Mountains. That is just a small hill.
It wouldn't be a problem and the view would be worth a lot too.Seriously anybody that would perch a house on this terrian should not be able to get insurance. That is ridiculous!
Monarch Pass.. Beautiful.
What were you doing in the middle of almost nowhere though?