Jillio, Jillio, Jillio,
I never wanted to go to the hospital, I never got the chance to speak with the doctor when he gave my mother the prescription for the drug.
The doctor told her it was the best drug to kill the pneumonia infection, so that what my mother told me!
After the 2nd pill, I started to get really sick.
Went BACK to the hospital 4 days later, told the doctor everything I was feeling, he told me to "KEEP TAKING THE DRUG, NO MATTER WHAT, to get rid of the infection.
Before going back to that hospital, I read the Clinical Drug Trials - it killed 2 out of 696 people, 53% stopped taking Biaxin due to headaches, vomitting and nausea!
Went to my homeopathic doctor the NEXT day, on homeopathic remedies, another doctor told me to stop taking the antibiotic, I should never have been given such a large dosage, and it affects some people the same way it affects me.
I only took the pill for 41/2 days, was "SUPPOSED" to take it for 10 days.
I almost died 15-25 times, and survived drinking vinegar, throwing up, drinking water with bits of baking soda, putting herbs all over myself, breathing in herbs in the car to get my Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C, and seaweed for snacks......
You obviously have misread my thread about the warning of Biaxin!
Those affected by the drug, are not dead because of pneumonia or bronchitis, and the Drug Company is FULLY aware of this, but they market it as such a great great product, and it DOES help many people.
But we also have superbugs, so some taking it all the time, may be affected in the future.
And if your affected, Western Doctors do not have ANY ANSWERS to help you.
read, and re-read until you understand this!
I did not purposely harm myself!
Page 44 of Steve H. Liptons book "The Biology of Beliefs", states:
ANTIBIOTICS ARE INDISCRIMINATE KILLERS, because they destroy the very bacteria we need to survive.
Did I know this before? HELL NO!
Did I know Drug Companies put large amounts of Al and Mercury and shit into these antibiotics which affect people in so many different various ways? HELL NO!
Do you think I spent over $800 to recover (and I don't work) for pills that cost $91 bucks?
The biggest problem with our health system is that people are blindsided by the fact that "they should be in control of their health, with the help of doctor's WHO DO NO HARM!"
And people (because of the monopoly of the Health System in North America) don't really have the freedom to choose to be informed about their health problems in various different ways.
The Naturopathic Doctor has 4 more years of education than an M.D.!!, and in Toronto they get a 80,000 dollar credit loan for enrolling in the school (after they have an MD, or PhD degree) for opening their own clinic, or for books or whatever.
You HAVE a choice, you HAVE a choice to be blindsided as well. Or like I used to be, believe in both Eastern and Western Doctors.
I will always still see my family doctor when needed, but I will undoubtedly NEVER take a drug again, unless half my body is ripped off by a car - which won't happen anyway!
And read the articles at
Greenspiration! Home (unless you don't like being educated)!