hoh and job problem

I don't think he meant any harm NEWIDME. I think he is a person who is a little hard of hearing and does not really understand what he is saying.

Otherwise I would enthusiastically agree with your sentiment.

Oh heck, I will agree anyway!!!

Go NEWIDME!!!:thumb:


Thank you, Botts.
Why is there a problem??? If you want to exist and operate in the "normal" world, you cannot expect everyone to make special arrangements and have special consideration for you, particularly when you are not making the best efforts you can to mitigate the problem yourself.

They didn't have to employ the HOH person, they could have saved themselves a whole bag of problems by not doing so....so anyone who DOES employ ANYONE with any form of disability knows and accepts that there will be more work required at times from themselves and the rest of their staff to ensure that the job can be done properly....

but I don't see why anyone who has any form of disability should just expect everyone else to make all the allowances and excuses for them, BECAUSE they have a disability.

I employ someone who has "learning difficulties". It takes him ages to do something new in the routine...and he drives us mad sometimes when you have told him/shown him for the umpteenth time....but we also know that sooner or later it WILL click in and he will be ok after that.

At the end of the day, it applies to all aspect of, in our case, deafness. If you want to exist wholly and soley within the deaf community, whether HOH or profoundly/totally deaf, then thats up to you. If you want to embrace both hearing and non hearing culture then it is as much your responsibility to make the effort as it is for the hearing community to be sympathetic to your difficulties......and both communities will have people whose tolerance levels of the other "side" is less than it might be!

You act like it is a bad thing, being hoh/deaf. You should look into the ADA. Employer's get tax breaks for hiring hoh/deaf. I am not going into the other diabilities because I know nothing about them. I do know asking someone to talk clearly and make eye contact is normal, not a hardship. Asking someone to write stuff down isn't too bad, either IMO. I am at work so I won't be able to come back and check this post till tomorrow. I want to stress that people are to be hired on their abilities, not "disabilities" (you sound like a hearie who is an employer that discriminates.

As for the orig poster, I live in michigan. As long as you are working, the state will buy your hearing aids so that you stay working. When you see your audiologist/dispenser, they should know who to refer you to. HTH.
You act like it is a bad thing, being hoh/deaf. You should look into the ADA. Employer's get tax breaks for hiring hoh/deaf. I am not going into the other diabilities because I know nothing about them. I do know asking someone to talk clearly and make eye contact is normal, not a hardship. Asking someone to write stuff down isn't too bad, either IMO. I am at work so I won't be able to come back and check this post till tomorrow. I want to stress that people are to be hired on their abilities, not "disabilities" (you sound like a hearie who is an employer that discriminates.

As for the orig poster, I live in michigan. As long as you are working, the state will buy your hearing aids so that you stay working. When you see your audiologist/dispenser, they should know who to refer you to. HTH.


I especially like the way your phrased "being hired for their abilities, not 'disabilities'". And, BTW, the vast majority of accommodations provided for a deaf employee cost between 0 and 50 dollars. Very low cost. The most expensive accommodations are those technological accommodations provided for blind employees.

i've been really busy trying to keep up with learning my new career so i haven't posted back for awhile.

i have an audi appt next month that was arranged and paid for by texas dept of vocational rehab. my counselor seems to think that i can get some help with ha's. my boss and co-workers seem to have gotten used to having to repeat themselves and they try to make sure they have my attention before talking, which helps me alot.

but yesterday a fill-in asked me to do a urine sample on a dog which i misunderstood and when i questioned her about it she came over waving a sheet of paper in my face and yelling URINE SAMPLE! URINE SAMPLE! URINE SAMPLE! i apologized for not hearing her correctly and she tried to make it sound like she was joking. i'm not usually a sensitive guy but this really hurt my feelings. i thought of asking her if she made fun of people in wheelchairs, too, or people who can't see, but i just let it go.

anyway, i'm hoping that i can get some help with ha's next month and not have to deal with this kind of stuff again.

i've been really busy trying to keep up with learning my new career so i haven't posted back for awhile.

i have an audi appt next month that was arranged and paid for by texas dept of vocational rehab. my counselor seems to think that i can get some help with ha's. my boss and co-workers seem to have gotten used to having to repeat themselves and they try to make sure they have my attention before talking, which helps me alot.

but yesterday a fill-in asked me to do a urine sample on a dog which i misunderstood and when i questioned her about it she came over waving a sheet of paper in my face and yelling URINE SAMPLE! URINE SAMPLE! URINE SAMPLE! i apologized for not hearing her correctly and she tried to make it sound like she was joking. i'm not usually a sensitive guy but this really hurt my feelings. i thought of asking her if she made fun of people in wheelchairs, too, or people who can't see, but i just let it go.

anyway, i'm hoping that i can get some help with ha's next month and not have to deal with this kind of stuff again.


I am glad you are having good luck getting help. Sometimes unless the yelling person is the bosses daughter or something, it would be good to speak up about her rudeness.
i'm waiting for an appointment with texas dept of vocational rehab to see if i qualify for financial aid with ha's. i just started back to work after a year of unemployment due to health issues, so i can't afford them on my own right now. it's a small vet clinic with only 4 employees and the dr.


Are you dealing with a Audiologist? Have you already had an audiogram done? Have you asked you audi if you can have a loaner aid while waiting for approval from your financial aid agency?

Sorry, didn't read through the comments before I posted.....I see you're having some good resolutions from your work and the agency so far.....good luck!!
Good news on the HA. Now, remember, when you get them, it will be an adjustment for you and all those you interact with. The aids will probably have to be adjusted a bit to your 'taste'. Anyway, let the folks at your work know that although you are getting HAs that doesn't mean viola! you'll hear everything. I am so sorry your feelings got hurt. I have had days where I've had to go outside or in a bathroom stall to cry due to ignorance/harsh words.