HNN: Forty-six shot, none wounded in Park City Utah


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Aug 16, 2006
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PARK CITY, Utah -- Forty-six were shot, but no one was injured in the single worst shooting spree in Utah history Saturday.

"It was horrible, absolutely horrible," said Eddie Elk, 14, of Park City. "He just stopped his truck by the side of the road, jumped out, and started shooting."

The suspect was described as a white male in his mid 40's with dark hair and a goatee. The weapon used in the shooting was believed to be some sort of Canon.

"I've never seen anything like it," said Ricardo J. Rabbit of Salt Lake. "My family and I were up here on vacation, and this wacko just levels his Canon at us. I tried to jump in front of the kids, but I think he got some shots off at them as well."

"I shutter to think how much worse this could have been," said Park City sheriff Fuji Minolta. "I've never seen a lunatic take so many shots but not injure anyone."

Sheriff Minolta went on to say that they're following up on several leads, including the possibility that the suspect is a well-known local terra-ist who frequently refers to himself simply as "Jayman."

"The public should know that this 'Jayman' loves nothing more than terra. Flowers, trees, rocks, babbling brooks, all of it. I would remind our citizens that if they spot this 'Jayman,' he should be considered old and harmless."

The Canon used in the shooting has not been recovered. And no charges are expected to be immediately field against Jayman. (HNN)


Bastard :(
I think its a joke pek. Read the article again but more carefully. Think about photography and cameras and you'll get it. ;)