Historical Rank of US Presidents


New Member
Jun 24, 2005
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I pop up in my mind as I wonder who are the best president in the USA? Thank to wikipedia and there is chart. Thought you might be interst to read this one. And what do you think?


I found interest that Bush Jr rank better than his father. : )

Of course, Bill Clinton is little better than both Bush. lol
Sorry to say, but that list is a joke. Heck, Jimmy Carter (even tho is great humanitarian, but was crappy president) and Richard Nixon scored just a little lower. Besides, for Clinton to have scored that high, right off the bat you know the list is messed up.
SimpleMan said:
Sorry to say, but that list is a joke. Heck, Jimmy Carter (even tho is great humanitarian, but was crappy president) and Richard Nixon scored just a little lower. Besides, for Clinton to have scored that high, right off the bat you know the list is messed up.

It does cite a source.

Something you need to take into account is that most Americans can only name the really big super-Presidents (like Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, Teddy and FDR, JFK and LBJ) and the last five or six (W, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon). Most Americans today did not live through the administrations of, say, James K. Polk, James Monroe, Millard Fillmore, or Andrew Jackson. Hell if many Americans today even know that there *WAS* a President named Millard Fillmore.
SimpleMan said:
Sorry to say, but that list is a joke. Heck, Jimmy Carter (even tho is great humanitarian, but was crappy president) and Richard Nixon scored just a little lower. Besides, for Clinton to have scored that high, right off the bat you know the list is messed up.

Oh so typical of a hearie! :roll:

I wasn't old enough to vote for Jimmy Carter, but he was the one that got the hostages freed in Iran, not Ronald Reagan, who lied and said he did it. Carter is my personal favorite, as is Harry S. Truman. By the way, did you know, SimpleMan, that President Truman's middle initial "S" is just that? There is no name there? And on the ballot for president, Jimmy Carter was spelled out, "James Earl Carter."
pek1 said:
Oh so typical of a hearie! :roll:

I wasn't old enough to vote for Jimmy Carter, but he was the one that got the hostages freed in Iran, not Ronald Reagan, who lied and said he did it. Carter is my personal favorite, as is Harry S. Truman. By the way, did you know, SimpleMan, that President Truman's middle initial "S" is just that? There is no name there? And on the ballot for president, Jimmy Carter was spelled out, "James Earl Carter."

Er...if I recall, neither got of them really brought the hostages home. Iran wanted to snub Carter big time and refused to free them under his watch. This was partly because of the botched rescue attempt (wreck in the desert) to "free" them and for other reasons. Reagan just happen to get the glory but he really didn't have a whole lot to do with it either.
pek1 said:
Oh so typical of a hearie! :roll:

I wasn't old enough to vote for Jimmy Carter, but he was the one that got the hostages freed in Iran, not Ronald Reagan, who lied and said he did it. Carter is my personal favorite, as is Harry S. Truman. ...
Well, I'm not sure what it has to do with being a "hearie" but I was old enough and I did vote against Jimmy Carter. While he was in office I thought he was a lousy President, and I haven't changed my opinion since then.
Reba said:
Well, I'm not sure what it has to do with being a "hearie" but I was old enough and I did vote against Jimmy Carter. While he was in office I thought he was a lousy President, and I haven't changed my opinion since then.

That's okay, Reba. I still like you. :hug: I've read about two of Mr. Cater's books, so I do understand where he's coming from. I do know and remember that while he was in office, many, many Christians hated the man and in one book he tells why: All the Christians wanted was money for their private Christian schools.

I concur and I attended a Christian school for two grades in junior high, which put me quite behind when I returned to public for high school. I don't approve of, nor would I allow my children to attend a Christian school, not just for what happened to me, but from what I have seen, I see no difference between a public school and a private Christian one.
pek1 said:
... I do know and remember that while he was in office, many, many Christians hated the man and in one book he tells why: All the Christians wanted was money for their private Christian schools.

I don't know about that. :dunno: I wasn't yet a Christian when Carter was President. I was just a heathen sailor back then. :D