Hillary for President! Vote?

Speaking of women, Condi, sure but Billary, errr, Hillary, no way my child's growing up in THAT village!
...Most of the people voted for him solely because of his religious stance :)....(
I don't think that was the reason. Many non-Christians voted for Bush also.

Bush won the last two elections because his competition was so lame.
i dont care, Bill Clinton what happened that he has sex. that is just separate Private and president. I honour of Bill Clinton.
He also raped a woman against her will, and he lied under oath. Those are crimes, not personal foilbles. Can you honor a man who rapes and lies?
What I don't understand here is why are we even discussing about Bill Clinton ?
Maybe we're thinking about Bill Clinton as "First Gentleman" in the White House. :eek:

... vote for someone who believes in the same things you believe in. vote for someone who you feel will do a good job. get educated about what a candidate actually values. look at how they have voted previously. DONT vote because someone "isn't Bush", or because "shes a woman".
ONE MISTAKE! So funny! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I mean is scandal... He made one mistake is his affair with Monica during President time. Sure he made a lot of mistake before he become President.

Bush have PLENTY of scandals.... :cool:

Yes, when he was alive. What's your point?

I only remind SteelX about JFK because he is the one who mentioned JFK in his post.
He also raped a woman against her will, and he lied under oath. Those are crimes, not personal foilbles. Can you honor a man who rapes and lies?

Rape? Huh? She want him as he want her as well...

What about Bush and his dozen of lies during President time... ?
He also raped a woman against her will, and he lied under oath. Those are crimes, not personal foilbles. Can you honor a man who rapes and lies?

True, I never heard about he raped a woman.
you mean, "Can i honour this Bill Clinton...?" yes and I did tell that i dont care about his private.
I vote for Hillary!! Go Hillary!! I'm proud to be Democratic!!
Rape? Huh? She want him as he want her as well...
Read this:

The Reluctant Courage of Juanita Broaddrick
By Marie-Jose Ragab
May 8, 2000

On February 19, 1999, the Wall Street Journal published "Juanita Broaddrick Meets the Press". Written by Dorothy Rabinowitz, a member of the Journal's editorial board, the article reported that a Clinton campaign worker had been sexually assaulted by then Arkansas Attorney General Clinton in 1978, with great brutality. The story had never died and had circulated in selected feminist circles, including the NOW National office where I learned of it. During the 1992 presidential campaign, journalists "chased" after the alleged victim, to no avail.

Registered under the pseudonym "Jane Doe No. 5" in the Paula Jones case to protect her privacy, she testified under oath, supported by five corroborating witnesses. Her declaration was made available to lawmakers in charge impeachment. It was so compelling that it influenced some House Republicans to vote against Mr. Clinton. House Democrats were less interested.

In January 1999, the public learned that "Jane Doe No. 5" was Mrs. Juanita Broaddrick, and that she had finally accepted to be interviewed by Lisa Myers from NBC , a well-regarded reporter. Mr. Clinton had already been impeached and the Senate vote was pending. The interview took place on January 20, 1999. It lasted for hours. "Shaking with fear" writes Rabinowitz, Mrs. Broaddrick recalled with much pain her harrowing tale.

NBC had planned to release the interview on January 29th. The presidential impeachment vote was set for February 12th. Citing one excuse after the other, the network repeatedly delayed the release of the interview. Protest mounted. On February 21, Tim Russert, NBC Washington Bureau Chief and host of the popular Sunday morning T.V. program "Meet the Press", invited Lisa Myers to appear as a guest. With callous pointedness, he asked the startled Myers if "as gruesome as it sounds, do the American people really care about something that happened 20 years ago?".

The Senate impeachment vote went ahead on February 12th as scheduled. The pre-arranged result matched the pre-announced outcome and NBC management was now safe to run Mrs. Broaddrick's interview. A drastically cut version of her original recording was finally released on February 24th. The American people, manipulated once again,did care. The vast majority of the millions who watched the dignified, soft-spoken and pain-filled woman believed she was telling the truth. Unease enveloped the nation, never fully lifting.

Once again, NOW wasted no time in joining the chorus of Democrat feminists ever-ready to profess disgust and repulsion for the act and simultaneous support for the actor in the manner that had become the trademark of White House apologists. Carried away by devoted fervor, they even attacked Mrs. Broaddrick's credibility and blamed her for her plight, in imitation of what criminal lawyers do to defend an accused client.

But the reality was far worse than the NBC interview had revealed. Here is the testimony Broaddrick told to Diana Woznicki as part of the investigation conducted during the Clinton impeachment.

"When the Attorney General arrived, he was alone. Broaddrick was completely at ease because, after all, this was a business meeting. The two engaged in some general small talk, and Broaddrick ushered Clinton to the window, where the coffee service was laid out.

Suddenly, Clinton began kissing her, at first not forcefully. But then he threw her on the bed and kept kissing her. She struggled to get away, and as she did, he got on top of her and bit her lower lip as a way of controlling her. Every time she struggled, Clinton bit harder to keep control of her. She kept saying no, that she didn't want this to happen. The pain became excruciating. He forced her legs apart and raped her. At one point in the attack, Clinton assured Juanita that there was no danger of her getting pregnant. He said, "I had mumps when I was a kid; I'm sterile." Finally the ordeal appeared to be completed. Clinton rose up slightly as though he were about to with draw. Then he said, "My God, I can do it again! " And he did.

When Clinton finally completed the assault, Broaddrick was close to collapse. She was sobbing uncontrollably , afraid of what might happen next, confused, and in a panic. Clinton appeared unfazed. He coolly rose from the bed and went into the bathroom. All the time Juanita was afraid to move. He emerged after a few minutes and started to walk out. When he reached the door, he turned to his sobbing victim, still lying on the bed, smiled and said, "You better do something about that lip. Get some ice on it." Then he put on his sunglasses and left."


What about Bush and his dozen of lies during President time... ?
What lies?
True, I never heard about he raped a woman....
Then you haven't been following the news.

The Intimidating Ordeal of Juanita Broaddrick
Carl Limbacher
February 9, 1999

Insights from a Women's Advocate Who Knows Her

A women's advocate and rape crisis counselor who has befriended Juanita Broaddrick told NewsMax.com on Sunday that the Clinton accuser has no political or financial motive and has not timed her allegation to coincide with the President's Senate impeachment trial.

But despite Broaddrick's lack of ulterior motives, her friend believes that NBC News will not air the January 20 interview Broaddrick gave to Lisa Myers until the trial is over.

This friend, with years of experience with women like Broaddrick, stressed that her relationship with the alleged Clinton rape victim is primarily supportive -- and that she is neither Broaddrick's spokesperson nor has she counseled her in a professional capacity.

Since the Rapegate controversy exploded two weeks ago, Broaddrick's friend has become the target of what she says appears to be a White House inspired intelligence-gathering operation. She agreed to be interviewed by NewsMax.com only on condition of anonymity, sharing insights on rape and the challenges confronted by victims like Broaddrick.

Why do rape victims like Juanita Broaddrick often wait so long before coming forward?

"The experience of rape can intimidate the victim for years – possibly forever. Many women who've had it happen never report it. It's far worse when the perpetrator is a powerful person like Clinton. Society finds a woman more credible when she's accusing someone of lower status who just jumped her from behind the bushes. It's the well connected perpetrator who most often gets away with it."

Does the average rapist do it only once?

"No. While rapists are completely capable of having normal relations with their wives and girlfriends, once they rape, they often do it again -- especially if they know they can get away with it."

How do rape victims and their counselors feel when feminist leaders turn away from sexual abuse victims like Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick?

"We keep in contact with women across the nation who've had things like this happen. And I can tell you, they were really upset with Clinton even before Juanita's case came to the forefront. It's annoying when people think Gloria Steinem and Patricia Ireland speak for us."

Do experts recommend that women like Broaddrick come forward?

"As a rule we generally don't encourage rape victims to go public because we know what happens to them. It's very unpleasant because most people don't want to believe the victims. A victim like Juanita may think she can get this out of her system with one interview and then it will be over. But it will never be over. Her life will be changed forever. I never advised Juanita to come forward."

If NBC won't run her interview, why doesn't she just go to another network?

"People who say she should take her story elsewhere don't understand that most victims are emotionally exhausted after an interview like that. It's not easy to recount the intimate, embarrassing details of a rape experience. Now that NBC won't run it immediately, it's almost like saying they don't believe her. That's every rape victim's nightmare. Besides, what guarantee does she have that the next network won't do the same?

"It's Juanita's decision to do what she feels is best for her. Victims tend to think with their emotions. The truth comes out on their own terms and on their timetable, as frustrating as that may seem to others who care deeply about the victim's well being."

Could President Clinton ever be prosecuted on the basis of Broaddrick's charge?

"No way. The statute of limitations for rape in Arkansas is 6 or 7 years. He's not going to be prosecuted no matter how much evidence she has."

Do many rape victims come forward after waiting 20 years, as Juanita Broaddrick has.

"Oh yeah. The majority stay silent forever but we've had several who have sought counseling after 10, 15, 20 years of keeping the assault secret. We get referrals from psychiatrists who say they have a patient that needs to talk to us. And we try to be there for them if they have a panic attack or a nightmare -- or if they run into their rapist, which does happen."

According to an ABC News investigation, which was revealed through an inter-office memo uncovered by NewsMax.com's executive editor, Christopher Ruddy, Juanita Broaddrick did encounter her alleged rapist thirteen years after her assault. The memo recounts an incident just before Clinton announced presidential his bid.

Clinton had Broaddrick pulled from a meeting and offered what ABC insiders describe as an "apology". He also asked her "if there was anything he could do." (See: Leaked ABC News Memo Details Rape Allegations -- NewsMax.com, Dec. 22. 1998)
The Intimidating Ordeal of Juanita Broaddrick
Come on, everyone tell lies... Of course you, me and everyone... We are only human and not prefect people... but Bush is the mainly worst who tell lies real ALOT.

How many Bush made mistakes? of course DOZEN... what Clinton did is only ONE MISTAKE.

Did you know that JFK is a womanizer?

There have been strong rumors that Bill Clinton has had at least ONE affair. There were lots of women out there stating that he did this and that. And, still Hillary "stood by her man." That's her choice and more reason for her to try to become president using the Clinton name.